Aussie travellers can't get enough of Middle Earth

We're a nation of travellers, that's for sure, with 23% of the Australian population taking an overseas holiday in the year to November 2013 with globe trotting Gen Y and Baby Boomers leading the charge to foreign shores. But where are they going? One country topped the list as the most visited destination for all generations.

Overall, 3.5% of Australians choose to holiday in New Zealand, the biggest representation from Baby Boomers and Gen Y with 4.4% of each generation choosing middle earth to escape the daily grind.

New Zealand remains well ahead of both England and US in terms of desirability and visitation rates.

Other contenders for top spot included a host of Asian destinations: Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Japan and India. With Gen X the most likely to be seen soaking up the sun on the beach at family friendly destinations: Indonesia.

The study also found that gender influences the countries individual respondents were most likely to visit. A higher proportion of female travellers chose perennial favourites and 'mainstream' destinations such as New Zealand, England and the US, while more men visited less 'well-trodden' countries such as India, China and Japan.

International Director of Tourism from Roy Morgan, Jane Ianiello says New Zealand's popularity comes as no surprise, "With its proximity to Australia, abundance of world-class natural attractions and relative affordability, New Zealand's status as the most visited overseas destination for Aussies of all generations is no surprise. Even with its popularity as a preferred holiday-spot declining slightly in recent years, its ease and convenience (no long haul flights!) ensure that it's a practical choice - which counts for a lot."

According to Ianiello, price has a big impact on destination choice, "classic European destinations such as England and France attract a higher proportion of Boomer travellers than younger generations, possibly due to their expense. And speaking of cost, it will be interesting to see whether visitation to the United States remains so high now that the Australian dollar has started to weaken against the US dollar."

Whether you have a trip to Middle Earth or Central Europe in mind for 2014, make sure you don't leave home without the right plastic in your pocket. Compare travel money cards here and find the best option to carry your foreign cash.