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Easy Street Debit card customer reviews

Overall rating
Customer service
Based on 1 debit card review as rated by the Mozo community.
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Recent Easy Street debit card customer reviews

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  • Easy Street Debit Card

    Great to use

    Easy to use and very hard for the scammers to get anything if used correctly (Load & Go Pre-paid debit card).

    Customer service
    Michael, South Australia, reviewed almost 10 years ago
  • Mozo may receive a payment from financial providers listed on the site. Customer reviews are in no way affected by any commercial relationships Mozo has with providers. Reviewers may receive a voucher from Mozo in exchange for their review. Vouchers are given to all reviewers who meet our review guidelines regardless of the sentiment of their reviews. Financial providers may, from time to time, offer incentives for reviews, regardless of the sentiment of the reviews.

    Debit card comparisons on Mozo - rates updated daily

    • Everyday Options

      account fee
      Payment Options
      Apple Pay, Google Wallet, PayID
      what kind of card
      Visa Debit

    • Everyday Global Account

      account fee
      Payment Options
      Apple Pay, Google Wallet
      what kind of card
      Visa Debit

    • Carbon Insights Account

      account fee
      Payment Options
      Apple Pay, PayID, Google Pay
      what kind of card
      Visa Debit or

    • Transaction Account

      account fee
      Payment Options
      Apple Pay, Google Wallet, PayID
      what kind of card
      Debit Mastercard

    • Smart Access

      account fee
      $4.00$0 monthly account fee if you deposit min. $2,000 per month or under 30 years old.
      Payment Options
      Apple Pay, Google Wallet, PayID, Samsung Pay, Garmin, Fitbit
      what kind of card
      Debit Mastercard or


    About Mozo community reviews

    Mozo gives you the inside story on the best banking, energy and insurance products as rated by thousands of real customers around Australia. We don't make subjective judgments, nor do advertisers influence our ratings. Although our reviews may be moderated to improve quality standards, they are moderated independently of any of Mozo’s commercial relationships.