Energy news and advice

All the latest energy news and top tips to help you manage your energy.

NSW consumers paying too much for electricity, says Energy Ombudsman

NSW consumers paying too much for electricity, says Energy Ombudsman

Even though a new breed of electricity retailers are heating up the competition in the Australian energy market, NSW electricity customers are not taking advantage of the competitive deals available to them, according to the New South Wales Energy and Water Ombudsman, Janine Young.

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Energy efficiency is key to reducing carbon emissions

Energy efficiency is key to reducing carbon emissions

While experts have described 2015’s projected 0.6% dip in greenhouse gas emissions as great news, reported it is likely to be a temporary trend. The website said the decline - the first in a year when the world was not in recession - is due to a push toward cleaner energy sources, like solar and wind power.

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EnergyAustralia's latest offer adds to options for summer savings

EnergyAustralia's latest offer adds to options for summer savings

Summer has officially begun and if you haven’t already done so, it’s time to get your summer home cooling plans into action. According to the Bureau of Meteorology, this December nighttime temperatures across the country are expected to be warmer and if you live in Southern Australia, overall it will be a hotter month than average.

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