When it comes to finding a great low-rate personal loan, shopping around is a must. With unpredictable rate movements, it's more important than ever to compare your personal loan options before locking in an option.
The summer holidays are right around the corner, and while the kids might be focused on fun and games, it could also be the perfect time to tackle some budget-friendly home renovations. Whether you’re looking to boost your home’s value before selling or just want to refresh your space, there are plenty of smart, cost-effective projects that can make a big impact without breaking the bank.
Whether you’re updating your kitchen, adding a new bathroom, or creating that dream outdoor living space, renovating can boost both your home’s value and your lifestyle. But when it comes to funding those projects, savvy homeowners may find that opting for a personal loan could be a faster, simpler solution than home loan refinancing.
Differing to the typical home loan, which is designed for the purchase of a property, personal loans are more than a one trick pony. In fact, there are a range of circumstances where different types of personal loans could come in handy, such as a holiday, funding a wedding, doing a home reno or even consolidating debt Personal loans generally come in two types; secured (where you put up an asset as security) or unsecured (where you don’t). Secured loans often come with lower interest rates than unsecured options and like other loans, you’ll need to make regular repayments over the loan term, which is usually one to ten years. So with that in mind, we’ve put together a personal loan matchmaker with some top options for each scenario.
From buying that new car you’ve been dreaming of, to consolidating your debt or financing your home renovations, personal loans can have a great many uses. But knowing where you stand when it comes to personal loans can be tricky, with a bunch of common misconceptions floating around that need to be busted.
In these tough financial times, there are a lot of ways to make a personal loan work for you, whether you're looking to consolidate debt, finance long-planned home projects or simply access some extra cash. And in these economically tough times, plenty of Aussies could do with a helping hand.
Got a short-term home reno project in the works? Whether you’re redoing the tiles in the bathroom or upgrading your kitchen benchtop, a personal loan can be useful for a quick and relatively simple finance option to fund tweaks around the house.
Amid the soaring cost of living, a new survey commissioned by bill splitting app KttiPay shows that borrowing money among friends and family is rampant, with one-third of Aussies saying that someone they know currently owes them money.
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