Savings calculator

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Meet your goals with a money saving calculator

Have you been trying to save for a big purchase and not quite making it? Do you never seem to meet your target and you're not sure how to get there? To get a better idea on how long it'll take you to reach your savings goal or how much you can save in a set period, take a peek savings calculators like the one we have here on the Mozo website.

Once you'll popped your details into the saving calculator you'll know how long it'll be before you reach your goals and how much you need to increased your regularly payments by if you want to get there sooner. Mozo's saving calculator clearly displays how your savings will grow with your deposits and accumulated interest, showing that your saving goals are very achievable!

Once the savings calculator has given you a good idea of what your goals are, Mozo can help you choose a savings account or term deposit that will get you there. We have a database of Australia's banks and credit unions that makes it easy to access which option will bring you the best returns and who's offering this deal. A term deposit is a great idea if you already have a bit put aside and don't need regular access to the money. A savings account is better if you're just beginning saving if you're starting out from zero, we have a list of savings accounts that require no minimum balance.