Energy Guides: Electricity and Gas must reads

Whether you're trying to get your head around complex electricity tariffs, find a better gas plan or switch energy providers Mozo's range of energy guides can help. Alternatively, if you are looking to save money on your electricity bill or improve the energy efficiency of your home, head on over to our energy savings tips section for ideas.

How much does it cost to run your household appliances - a breakdown

How much does it cost to run your household appliances - a breakdown

Energy prices have been climbing in Australia over the last few years and Aussies are feeling the pressure.

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High energy bill blues? Check in on your energy spend

High energy bill blues? Check in on your energy spend

Mid year is a good time to do a financial check-in and see if there are opportunities to save money on your regular household expenditure, including your energy bill.

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Top 8 energy saving tips for renters in 2023

Top 8 energy saving tips for renters in 2023

When you rent, you’re often at the mercy of the property’s existing appliances, gas and electricity fixtures, and how well your place retains or keeps out the heat.

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Energy jargon buster: Your energy glossary from A to Z

Energy jargon buster: Your energy glossary from A to Z

Every find it annoying when you're trying to read your electricity bill, only to get stuck at all the confusing terminology? Nothing worse than paying for something you don't understand!

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What to look for when switching electricity providers

What to look for when switching electricity providers

Have you ever felt like you’re overpaying for electricity? It might be time to switch energy plans. Thousands of Australians fight back against rising electricity bills each year by comparing the electricity plans available in their area and switching to save money.

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Why is my energy bill so high? 

Why is my energy bill so high?

Is the cost of your energy bill a shock to the system and a burden on your bank account? It’s easy to overuse energy without realising, resulting in an expensive energy bill.

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Feeling helpless about climate change? Here’s what you can do (to save money, too!)

Feeling helpless about climate change? Here’s what you can do (to save money, too!)

In the face of overwhelming but completely understandable climate anxiety, it’s time to get proactive. So roll up your sleeves: let’s see what you can do.

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Solar hot water systems: What are they and how can they save you money?

Solar hot water systems: What are they and how can they save you money?

Water heating is a fairly large cost on most household energy bills, accounting for up to 30% on average. While we’ve previously written some tips to cut down on the cost of hot water, installing a solar hot water system could dramatically decrease the amount you spend on home energy.

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Quick guide: What is green hydrogen? Will we be using it soon?

Quick guide: What is green hydrogen? Will we be using it soon?

Green hydrogen is a growing industry, with billions of dollars of investment in what has been described as a “fuel of the future”. But as the clean energy transition continues around the world, where does green hydrogen fit into the picture?

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Carbon offset programs: How do they cut your emissions?

Carbon offset programs: How do they cut your emissions?

With energy providers flocking to clean power initiatives, carbon offset programs have seen a rise in population. While they differ from bringing renewable energy into your household or taking part in a GreenPower program, carbon offsetting is an efficient way to cut down on the emissions of your home.

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Virtual power plants: How the energy initiative could power your home

Virtual power plants: How the energy initiative could power your home

With a rise in solar panels and other renewable energy sources, virtual power plants are growing in popularity around Australia as more communities take charge of their own power.

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Tesla solar: How do Solar Roof and Powerwall work?

Tesla solar: How do Solar Roof and Powerwall work?

While Elon Musk’s electric vehicle company Tesla is known for its cars and Cybertrucks, the company is also a player in the household energy game. Tesla offers a solar panel and battery system, which in keeping with the company’s style are sleek and efficient in design and performance.

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Hot water is a big energy cost: Here's why

Hot water is a big energy cost: Here's why

If you’ve ever taken a good look at your energy bill, you may have noticed that in months you’ve used a lot of hot water your cost will increase quite sharply. Water heating accounts for around 30% of the average household bill, but for something only warming up our water why is the cost so high?

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GreenPower plans v green energy: How to use renewables in the home

GreenPower plans v green energy: How to use renewables in the home

Using green energy in your home can be quite confusing as it’s hard to find information about where your energy is sourced, unless you’re producing your own solar.

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How to get solar panels at your home: And save money, too

How to get solar panels at your home: And save money, too

Australia is a world-leader in solar uptake, with 30% of Aussie homes creating their own power from panels on their rooftop by the end of 2021.

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Estimated vs actual meter readings: What's the difference for your energy bill?

Estimated vs actual meter readings: What's the difference for your energy bill?

A lot of people tend to receive their energy bill, pay it and wait for the next one to roll around without putting too much thought into what they’ve just received. While this may be perfectly fine for some people, it may see others paying for more energy than they’ve used while driving up the price of your energy bill.

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Energy Made Easy Guide

Energy Made Easy Guide

These days, you can barely get through the day without hearing about aging power plants and sky-high electricity bills. While both Federal and State governments are doing their bit to ensure that we all get a better electricity deal , we could still all do with a quick refresher on electricity plan basics.

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Renters guide to switching energy plans

Renters guide to switching energy plans

If you’re living in a rental property or you are about to move into a new rental pad and aren’t sure if you can switch to that awesome cheap energy deal you just saw online, you’ve reached the right place. In this tell-all guide, the Mozo energy experts address some of the most common questions about switching electricity and gas plans for renters.

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Home battery storage

Home battery storage

According to the Clean Energy Council, more than 3 million Australian households use solar energy to power their homes. And as renewable energy continues to grow in popularity, it’s almost certain the number of solar installations is also set to climb.

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Community solar gardens: A renewable energy option for renters

Community solar gardens: A renewable energy option for renters

Supporting Australia’s transition towards cleaner energy can be as simple as installing solar panels on your rooftop and reaping the financial benefits of producing your own power. If you’re a renter the process isn’t quite as simple, but there are ways around the fact you don’t own your rooftop.

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Renewable energy faqs

Renewable energy faqs

Renewable energy continues to rise as a method of powering homes, businesses and the world as we shift towards sustainable forms of power. From large-scale government investments to smart bins, renewable energy innovations are all around us and the uptake of green power continues to increase across Australia and the globe.

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Explainer: Energy regulation in Australia

Explainer: Energy regulation in Australia

Whether or not you like to keep up with international news, it would have been hard to miss what went down in Texas last week. But just in case you haven’t, the US state was randomly hit with a massive cold snap, now recognised as ‘the big freeze’. As a result, power plants were frozen, cutting off electricity supply to many households. Texas has a highly deregulated energy market, where customers choose their electricity provider between a set of scores. And many of these retailers charge electricity at wholesale prices that fluctuate in sync with demand. So, once the ‘big freeze hit’, households who had access to electricity found themselves with energy bills that were hitting $US1,000 a day ($1,289 AUD).How did this happen you may be asking? Well, many experts are arguing poor preparation and planning on behalf of the retailers. While Australia doesn’t get snow storms, you might be wondering what energy regulation looks like in your state and whether something like the Texas big freeze could occur down under. So without further ado, check out our guide to understanding energy regulation.

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How Christmas lights affect your energy bill and how to save

How Christmas lights affect your energy bill and how to save

December is here, and homes around Australia and the world are putting up their Christmas trees and decorations in time for the holiday season. As your home sparkles, you might find yourself wondering how these lights add up on your energy bill and we’re here to tell you.

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How does solar energy work

How does solar energy work

More than two million Aussie households have solar panels installed in their home, making it quite a common way to source residential electricity. If you think your household might make the solar switch, there are a few things you’ll need to get your head around.

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Victorian Default Offer: What is it and how does it affect your energy bill

Victorian Default Offer: What is it and how does it affect your energy bill

The Victorian Default Offer (VDO)  is an electricity price set by the Essential Services Commission (ESC) in the state, in order to provide Victorians with access to a fair energy deal.

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Default market offer (DMO): what the new energy reference price means for you

Default market offer (DMO): what the new energy reference price means for you

If there’s one thing that’s tricky to keep up with, it’s the energy market. With the introduction of a default market offer (DMO) back in 2019, Aussies around the country were introduced to a brand new set of changes to help them better compare energy prices.

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Electricity reference price: What is it and how does it affect your energy bill?

Electricity reference price: What is it and how does it affect your energy bill?

The term electricity reference price is often mentioned in advertising material for energy companies as they advertise their plans to customers. While providers will compare their own rates to this reference price, what you may be asking is what is it exactly and how does it affect my energy bill. Here are the answers.

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Energy plans: How to find what's right for you

Energy plans: How to find what's right for you

Finding the right energy plan can help you cut down the costs you pay for power usage throughout the home. But with a number of factors influencing which provider will best suit you, it can be quite confronting making a switch.

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How to set up your electricity when moving house

How to set up your electricity when moving house

Getting your energy connected when moving into a new house can be something that slips to the back of your mind with all the different things that need taking care of simultaneously. From finding the perfect house in the perfect location, booking a removal company, packing up your things, cancelling services at your old address and setting up connections at the new address moving home means a whole lot on your plate.

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Smart meters 101 - Everything you need to know

Smart meters 101 - Everything you need to know

Have you been wondering what a smart energy meter is and how it can impact your electricity bills? While it may seem a bit confusing at first, smart meter technology is quite useful and can help you manage your energy account better. In this digital meter guide, we've got answers for some of the most frequently asked questions about the technology so you can understand exactly what to expect from a digital billing cycle.

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Saving on winter heating costs: A guide for reducing your energy bill

Saving on winter heating costs: A guide for reducing your energy bill

The cold winter months often see a rise in the cost of our energy bills as Aussies around the country try to stay warm. With heating and cooling accounting for 40% of our household energy bills, finding an efficient way to get your home warm without sacrificing comfort is key to cutting down those costs this winter.

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Energy guide: The lowdown on ‘wholesale demand response’

Energy guide: The lowdown on ‘wholesale demand response’

Managing demand while keeping energy prices low has been an ongoing issue for the national energy market (NEM) over the years. In August last year, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) proposed a new scheme that had the potential to tackle both concerns, called the ‘wholesale demand response’.

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Renewable energy: A guide to understanding hydropower

Renewable energy: A guide to understanding hydropower

It might surprise you to know that hydropower is one of the oldest forms of renewable energy in the world. In fact, according to some experts, hydropower dates back to ancient Greece where it was used to grind grains.

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Energy rebates guide for residents in TAS

Energy rebates guide for residents in TAS

From young families to retirees, no Tasmanian household is the same. But if there’s one thing some of us might have in common, it’s keeping up with soaring energy bills. And if this is a familiar feeling in your home, it could be worth looking into government energy rebates to help you manage your expenses.

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Energy rebates: A step-by-step guide for QLD residents

Energy rebates: A step-by-step guide for QLD residents

No matter where you live in Australia, managing your energy bills can sometimes feel impossible. If you’re an Aussie living in Queensland, there are a few government energy rebates you may be eligible for, which can help cover some of your energy costs.

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Energy savers: A guide to energy concessions in SA

Energy savers: A guide to energy concessions in SA

Staying on top of your finances can be a common struggle for many Aussie households. If you’re in South Australia and keeping up with your energy bills is causing ongoing financial stress, it could be worth looking into the energy concessions that are offered in your state.

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Energy savings: your guide to energy concessions in VIC

Energy savings: your guide to energy concessions in VIC

Financial hardship can strike at any time in any Australian household. And if your family is experiencing a high level of financial stress, paying regular expenses like your energy bill, can almost seem impossible.

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Your guide to energy rebates in NSW

Your guide to energy rebates in NSW

We all need a little bit of help every now and then, even when it comes to our energy bills. And while your energy provider can provide financial assistance by placing you on a financial hardship plan, it’s generally a temporary measure until you get back on your feet.

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How to apply for energy financial assistance

How to apply for energy financial assistance

While financial stress can feel like an alienating experience, research shows it’s a lot more common than you think.

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Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about wind energy

Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about wind energy

Did you know that according to Origin Energy, wind energy is the second biggest contributor to Australia’s renewable energy supply? Or that it supplied 5.7% of Australia’s overall electricity in 2017?

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Queensland electricity deregulation explained

Queensland electricity deregulation explained

Retail electricity prices were deregulated in South East Queensland from 1 July 2016. But what does this really mean for households in the Sunshine State and how is it going to affect your electricity bills?

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A beginner's guide to different energy plans and products

A beginner's guide to different energy plans and products

Energy plans are like shoes. One type doesn’t fit all. Just because something works for your neighbours, doesn’t mean it would for you too. That’s why, it’s important to understand which electricity and gas products are available and find the ones that are best suited to your home.

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A guide to the Australian Energy Regulator Hardship Policy Guidelines, what it means for you

A guide to the Australian Energy Regulator Hardship Policy Guidelines, what it means for you

Hardship policies refer to the programs put in place by energy retailers to assist customers struggling to pay their bills. But recent concerns around the fairness of these policies have prompted the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) to investigate further.

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What you need to know about switching gas providers

What you need to know about switching gas providers

Gas prices around Australia have been on the rise and if you’re looking to save on your household bills, switching gas suppliers could be a great way to getting some extra cash for life’s more enjoyable things like a night out at the movies or dinner out with the family.

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What is energy bill smoothing?

What is energy bill smoothing?

No one wants to experience bill shock but everyone knows that there are times of the year (e.g. Summer and Winter) when your gas and electricity bills are going to be higher than at other times of the year. Many people choose to set aside extra money for their energy bills in these peak times, but for some people on a fixed income finding an extra $50 or $100 isn’t so easy.

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How to complain to your energy provider

How to complain to your energy provider

In an ideal world, it’s possible that you and your energy provider have a great relationship and you never need to register a complaint. But, just in case there is trouble in paradise, it’s a good idea to know how to complain to your energy retailer.

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Feed in tariffs

Feed in tariffs

If you are building a new home or thinking about installing a solar system on your existing property, you’ll need to get your head around solar and renewable energy FAQ. A useful term to begin with is feed-in tariff. This is the rate paid for the electricity that is pumped back into the power grid from a designated renewable energy source like your rooftop solar panel system.

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How to switch energy providers in Australia

How to switch energy providers in Australia

Here in Australia, unfortunately there isn’t one standard price for energy across the country so finding the best energy deal can be difficult (or at least very time consuming) as you need to compare hundreds of plans from the energy providers that service your area. How much your electricity and gas services will cost depends on a number of things from where you live to the type of meter you’ve got installed at your premises.

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Energy news

Check in on your energy spend and avoid energy bill shock

Compare energy providers and avoid bill shock this winter

Winter is here, and unfortunately along with it higher energy bills. The Australian Energy Regulator recently issued its decision on the default market offers that set the baseline for retailers, and since July electricity prices have risen by up to a quarter in some states. This means that now is the time to check that you’re not spending more than you need to on heating your home. While turning down the heating or forgoing the electric blanket on some nights is bound to save you some money on your household energy bill, the biggest savings could be accessed by switching to a better value plan.How much could you save? Well, our researchers found that on average, households could save $447 per year for residential electricity and $274 per year for residential gas by comparing providers^.If you are dreading the impact power hikes might have on your own electricity and gas bills this winter, it makes sense to do a quick price review. Try our Free energy plan comparison service to compare some options available in your postcode and see if you could save by switching.

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Top 3 energy bill myths exposed

Top 3 energy bill myths exposed

With energy prices constantly in the headlines, it’s easy to get swept up in some common misconceptions. Whether it’s thinking your energy-saving habits are enough or that switching providers is too much of a hassle, we’re here to set the record straight. Using the latest insights from the Mozo Energy Report, we’re busting three of the biggest energy bill myths, so you can save smarter.

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5 energy saving tips to welcome winter

As the chill of winter sets in, many of us find ourselves reaching for the thermostat to keep warm. But with heating costs on the rise, it's essential to find ways to stay cosy without breaking the bank.

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