Guide to term deposits

Term deposits involve all the fun of saving and self-denial, with no 'bugger that, I'm going on a splurge' downside. Sign me up for a wild financial ride, you say? Let's just run through some term deposit tips and tricks to get you the best account with the highest savings interest.

What happens to your term deposit if your bank closes?

What happens to your term deposit if your bank closes?

Term deposits are covered under the government’s Financial Claims Scheme (FCS), but what about the interest you’ve been patiently trying to accrue?

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How and when do you pay tax on term deposit interest?

How and when do you pay tax on term deposit interest?

Earning interest on your savings is attractive, but it comes with tax obligations. If you're considering a term deposit, it's crucial to understand the tax implications of the interest you'll earn. Let's explore what you need to know about paying tax on term deposit interest.

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Can you withdraw a term deposit before maturity?

Can you withdraw a term deposit before maturity?

Financial hiccups will often come up, even when you’ve planned everything perfectly. But when you need some extra cash, can you dip into your term deposit before the maturity date?

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Term deposit interest - paid monthly or at maturity?

Term deposit interest - paid monthly or at maturity?

Choosing the right interest payment schedule for your term deposit can significantly impact your savings strategy. Term deposit providers usually offer options, including monthly payments, annual payouts, or a lump sum at maturity. Understanding which of these choices is important as they can affect the total interest earned.

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Your guide to term deposit

Your guide to term deposit

If you’re considering a term deposit as a savings strategy, you probably want to earn high interest for your lump sum savings and invest in a secure and safe manner.

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Term deposit tricks and tips

Term deposit tricks and tips

You’ve done the hard work of saving and squirrelling away every spare dollar, decided a term deposit is the best place to park your money and now you can kick back and forget about it, right? Wrong!

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Long term deposits

Long term deposits

Term deposits are great if you’re a saver looking for predictability and stability when it comes to your hard-earned money. But is going long term with one of these accounts the kind of thing that you should be signing up for? Let’s have a look.

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What do you need for a term deposit?

What do you need for a term deposit?

One of the great things about a term deposit is that it’s not only a low risk way to earn a return on your savings, but also a pretty low maintenance one. That doesn’t mean there aren’t some great tricks to making your term deposit work harder for your money - but it does mean that opening a term deposit is a pretty stress-free process.

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Pros and Cons of a term deposit

Pros and Cons of a term deposit

Thinking about putting your money in a term deposit? While these accounts can offer stability through fixed rate, they also come with certain limitations. It’s a good idea to get a well-rounded picture of term deposits. By looking at both the pros and cons, you can get an idea if a term deposit will work for you or not.

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Bank term deposits guide

Bank term deposits guide

So you’ve decided a term deposit is the best place for that nice Christmas bonus, or the nest egg you’ve been working on, but now the question is, where do you go to get one? The answer might seem easy - the bank, of course - but there are heaps of options when it comes to choosing where you want to open a term deposit.

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Choosing an investment term: short or long term deposit?

Choosing an investment term: short or long term deposit?

If you’ve picked a term deposit to be your savings strategy, then the next big question is: how long do you want to lock your hard earned cash away?

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Short term deposits

Short term deposits

A term deposit is a fixed interest savings product that lets you invest your money for a set period and with a set maturity date.

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What are term deposits?

What are term deposits?

Are you looking for a place to stash your cash besides a savings account? A term deposit is another popular option that lets you lock your cash up for an agreed time, leaving it inaccessible until the term ends. In return, you get the security of a fixed rate, so you know exactly what interest you’ll have when you eventually can reclaim the funds.

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Term deposit features

Term deposit features

So you’ve decided to lock your funds away in a term deposit to grow. Good for you! By this point, you probably already know what a term deposit is: a stable, long-term savings strategy that can help you maximise the size of your rainy day fund with minimal effort on your part.

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Types of Term Deposits

Types of Term Deposits

Before you decide that a term deposit is for you, it’s worth considering what kind you want to keep your funds in. Whether you're a short-term saver or a long-term investor, there's likely a term deposit option that fits your needs.

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Term deposits vs savings accounts

Term deposits vs savings accounts

It's a question you may have asked yourself a few times: should I get a term deposit or savings account? The real answer is that it really depends on your situation as both have advantages and disadvantages in different areas.

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Term deposit tricks and tips

Term deposit tricks and tips

Here are some tips from the mozo team for getting the best value from your term deposit

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Term deposit news

Stay tuned for updates and exclusives from the front line of the term deposit war.


6 Clever ways to maximise your tax refund

Tax time is upon us, and for many Aussies, it's an opportunity to make the most of the money coming back to you. Whether you’re receiving a sizable chunk or just a modest return, there are clever and easy ways to maximise your tax refund and set yourself up for financial success.

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Compare term deposits and save
