Gaps in financial knowledge impacts retirement spending
New research from AMP reveals some Aussies may be hitting a snag when it comes to dealing with the retirement system.
Read MoreNew research from AMP reveals some Aussies may be hitting a snag when it comes to dealing with the retirement system.
Read MoreFor many Aussies, the intended age of retirement might not match up with their actual retirement age, recent data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows.
Read MoreAussies could be losing retirement money as some superannuation funds failed a recent performance test of choice super products.
Read MoreThere is a mountain of information out there about how to prepare for retirement and what ways you can boost your superannuation savings. However, it all comes down to the age old question, how much money do you really need to have saved up for you to enjoy retirement?
Read MoreIn good news for Australian superannuation members, the median return generated for growth funds for the financial year 2022/2023 was 9.2% according to a report by Chant West.
Read MoreThe gender pay gap has been a hurdle for women’s income for decades, with a lot of organisational work being put in to help close it. While the gap is not as stark as it was when our parents were growing up, according to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency , women who work full time are still earning $319.20 less a week than their male counterparts based on seasonally adjusted average weekly earnings.
Read MoreSuperannuation is doing super at the moment according to Chant West, despite the current state of the economy. Super funds have ended the financial year on a high, especially with regards to the growth investment option.
Read MoreAustralian Treasurer Jim Chalmers has released the Intergenerational Report (IGR) today, giving Aussies an insight into how current policies might impact the economy in the long-term.
Read MoreAussies may need to review their superannuation investments as the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) takes action against ethical super funds that have possibly engaged in misleading conduct.
Read MoreInternational and Australian shares have trended upwards in the last 12 months according to SuperRatings, so Aussies who have been making investments in their superannuation fund may be receiving strong returns.
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