Green Friday asks Aussies to shop at a slower pace on Black Friday

In the past few years shopping events including Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Click Frenzy have encouraged people around the world to shop, shop, shop and shop some more.
While these global sales events can be a way to get a discount on a much needed item, they can also lead to overspending. This is where Green Friday comes in! The minds behind Green Friday are keen to encourage Australians to shop more mindfully and at a slower pace.
Let’s dive into the Green Friday idea some more.
What is Green Friday?
Green Friday is a new initiative that’s endorsed by a few groups. The Green Friday partners, Flora and Fauna, rental marketplace Releaseit and the World’s Biggest Garage Sale are simply asking Australians to shop responsibly.
The foundation is looking to change the narrative on shopping from consumption and waste to intentional and purposeful spending. Green Friday highlights sustainable Australian brands that operate at a slower pace and with a purpose.
Shopping mindfully
Australia has especially had a problem with overconsumption and waste. According to the Green Friday foundation, 90% of Australian households have unwanted or unused items. Around 80% of household plastics and textiles are landfilled, as well as $80 billion worth of fashion purchases each year. It is clear that something needs to change.
Shopping mindfully means not buying something simply because it is on sale. Or even buying into (pun intended) two for three deals, when you really only needed one. When shopping in sales a handy question to ask yourself is: will I even remember this item in a week’s time?
Instead, try to shop mindfully and only purchase what you know will be used. As Green Friday encourages, you may also want to check out more sustainably and ethically produced products from local and Australian brands.
Purpose driven savers
Green Friday may well catch the attention of many Aussies, as the ethical banking and intentional spending movement continues to grow. Indeed in 2021, around 36% of Aussies identified as purpose-driven savers, seeking to make a positive impact on the world, according to a report from Mambu .
The report also found that 76% of Australians would choose a bank that puts purpose ahead of profit. A further 53% said they considered social impact when making investments. Check out our guide to ethical banking in Australia to learn more about finding a bank that aligns with your values.
On that note, this Friday, remember to take a breath (either virtually or in an actual shop) and think about your purchases. Your savings account will thank you later!
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