There are many reasons to transfer your personal loan to a new provider. Your initial interest rate might have been competitive when you first took out your loan, but how competitive is that rate now?
Compare 233 personal loans in seconds with our speedy comparison engine!
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How to use the Mozo switch and save calculator
Mozo's personal loan switch and save calculator helps you find a great value personal loan. You can input your current loan provider and amount, as well as your standard monthly repayment and then it shows you how much in interest and fees you could potentially save if you were to transfer your personal loan.
Repayments will vary from person to person depending on which loans you are eligible for, the interest rate you qualify for, and other factors.
Switching to a specific loan?
If you want to compare two personal loan options or are hoping to transfer to a specific loan, try our personal loan comparison calculator. All you need to do is fill in the relevant fields for two different personal loans to see how much you could save.
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Our goal at Mozo is to help you make smart financial decisions and our award-winning comparison tools and services are provided free of charge. As a marketplace business, we do earn money from advertising and this page features products with Go To Site links and/or other paid links where the provider pays us a fee if you go to their site from ours, or you take out a product with them. You do not pay any extra for using our service.
We are proud of the tools and information we provide and unlike some other comparison sites, we also include the option to search all the products in our database, regardless of whether we have a commercial relationship with the providers of those products or not.
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