If you have an excellent credit score, then not having assets or property to put down as security, shouldn’t stop you from getting your hands on a low rate personal loan deal. And with the NOW Finance No Fee Unsecured Personal Loan, it won’t! Get a fixed interest rate tailored to your circumstances, the ability to make extra repayments on your loan and you won't even be charged an establishment fee, no matter how much you're borrowing.
The NOW Finance No Fee Unsecured Personal Loan is available for any amount you want to borrow between $5,000 and $50,000, and you can repay it over a term ranging from 18 months to 3 years for loan amounts between $5k-$8k, or 18 months to 7 years for amounts between $8k-$50k. It comes with the flexibility to make your repayments either weekly or fortnightly.
The really good news is that the NOW Finance No Fee Unsecured personal loan interest rate is tailored to suit your credit history. Rates start from 6.75% p.a. (6.75% p.a. comparison rate*) with a max of 26.95% p.a. (26.95% p.a. comparison rate*). The better your credit score, the lower your rate. After all, you’ve put the hard work into keeping an excellent credit score so why settle for an ordinary interest rate?
You can even make extra repayments to pay your loan off quicker and save on interest.
Regardless of your loan amount, you won't be charged any fees at all. That's right - no application, monthly or early repayment fees whatsoever.
Customisable to you as a borrower, this personal loan is perfect for someone without assets to put up as security, but who wants to be rewarded for maintaining a great credit score.
Although interest rates for this loan start competitively low when compared to other unsecured personal loans, if you do provide security you could receive up to 1.55% p.a. off your rate. Another thing to remember is that, if you decide to make extra repayments, remember that there’s no redraw facility to access that cash again.
Fixed |
6.75% p.a.to 26.95% p.a. fixed |
6.75% p.a.to 26.95% p.a.based on $30,000 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
0 |
$5,000.00 |
$50,000.00 |
2 Years |
7 Years |
Unsecured |
- |
Weekly, Fortnightly |
yes |
no |
Rates based on borrower with excellent credit score. Maximum 3 year term for loan amounts $8,000 or less. |
none |
^See information about the Mozo Expert Choice Personal Loans Awards
WARNING: The Comparison Rate combines the lender's interest rate, fees and charges into a single rate to show the true cost of a personal loan. The comparison rates displayed are calculated based on a loan of $30,000 for a term of 5 years or a loan of $10,000 for a term of 3 years as indicated, based on monthly principal and interest repayments, on a secured basis for secured loans and an unsecured basis for unsecured loans. This comparison rate applies only to the example or examples given. Different amounts and terms will result in different comparison rates. Costs such as redraw fees or early repayment fees, and cost savings such as fee waivers, are not included in the comparison rate but may influence the cost of the loan.
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Low Rate Personal Loan
6.57% p.a.to 8.48% p.a.
7.19% p.a.to 8.84% p.a.based on $30,000
over 5 years
Unsecured Personal Loan
5.76% p.a.to 24.03% p.a.
6.55% p.a.to 24.98% p.a.based on $30,000
over 5 years
Debt Consolidation
6.57% p.a.to 18.99% p.a.
7.19% p.a.to 19.39% p.a.based on $30,000
over 5 years
Express Personal Loan
14.95% p.a.to 27.95% p.a.
29.30% p.a.to 42.8% p.a.based on $10,000
over 3 years
Low Rate Personal Loan
6.57% p.a.to 18.99% p.a.
7.19% p.a.to 19.39% p.a.based on $30,000
over 5 years
Debt Consolidation
5.76% p.a.to 24.03% p.a.
6.57% p.a.to 24.99% p.a.based on $30,000
over 5 years
Low Rate Personal Loan
6.57% p.a.to 18.99% p.a.
7.19% p.a.to 19.39% p.a.based on $30,000
over 5 years
Express Personal Loan
14.95% p.a.to 27.95% p.a.
29.30% p.a.to 42.8% p.a.based on $10,000
over 3 years
Unsecured Personal Loan
5.76% p.a.to 24.03% p.a.
6.55% p.a.to 24.98% p.a.based on $30,000
over 5 years
Express Personal Loan
14.95% p.a.to 27.95% p.a.
29.30% p.a.to 42.8% p.a.based on $10,000
over 3 years
Low Rate Personal Loan
6.57% p.a.to 8.48% p.a.
7.19% p.a.to 8.84% p.a.based on $30,000
over 5 years
Debt Consolidation
5.76% p.a.to 24.03% p.a.
6.57% p.a.to 24.99% p.a.based on $30,000
over 5 years
Low Rate Personal Loan
9.14% p.a.to 11.19% p.a.
9.50% p.a.to 11.56% p.a.based on $30,000
over 5 years
Debt Consolidation
5.76% p.a.to 24.03% p.a.
6.57% p.a.to 24.99% p.a.based on $30,000
over 5 years
Unsecured Personal Loan
5.76% p.a.to 24.03% p.a.
6.55% p.a.to 24.98% p.a.based on $30,000
over 5 years
Debt Consolidation
5.76% p.a.to 24.03% p.a.
6.57% p.a.to 24.99% p.a.based on $30,000
over 5 years
Low Rate Personal Loan
6.57% p.a.to 8.48% p.a.
7.19% p.a.to 8.84% p.a.based on $30,000
over 5 years
Low Rate Personal Loan
6.57% p.a.to 8.48% p.a.
7.19% p.a.
Debt Consolidation
6.57% p.a.to 18.99% p.a.
7.19% p.a.
Low Rate Personal Loan
6.57% p.a.to 18.99% p.a.
7.19% p.a.