Amaysim reveals Aussies resorting to extreme lengths to avoid double threat to winter energy bills

After a balmy autumn, winter has well and truly come in with a bang, leaving some Australians frantically grasping for the dial on their heaters.

But with the true onset of winter comes a double threat to household budgets - higher energy use through longer showers and increased heating, as well as the prospect of higher bills through the annual July 1 price changes from energy providers.            

And according to new research from amaysim, many Aussies have resigned themselves to a chilly winter in order to mitigate energy costs, with 28% of the population admitting that they would not turn the heating on this winter until it gets “extremely cold”.  

The research also revealed that millennials and older Australians were the most likely age groups to resort to extreme measures in order to avoid winter bill shock - 23% of Aussies aged between 25-34 and 36% of those aged between 55-64 confessing to braving the cold rather than turning on the heat.

RELATED: The bad energy habits costing Aussies $1.09 billion this winter

“Our research has highlighted some surprising findings amongst consumers who are looking at quite extreme methods to avoid hefty energy bills,” said Julian Ogrin, amaysim CEO.

“We want to remind Australians that there are some easy ways to save money on your household utilities this winter, without having to sit at home freezing.”

Could making the switch ease your winter energy blues?

Given that power bills increased by up to 20% for some Australians following the July 1 price changes last year, it’s hardly a surprise that many households will view the start of the financial year with trepidation when it comes to receiving their power bills.

But amaysim have urged Australian households to start the new financial year with a clean slate by consolidating household bills, in order to save money and avoid the added stress of managing multiple providers.

Research from amaysim revealed that 44% of Australians believed they were wasting money by having their household bills like internet and energy plans with multiple providers, while 57% admitted that they found managing different utilities time consuming.

“Our research shows that consumers are ready for the one company that offers multiple services for the home,” said Ogrin.

“In fact, 56% of locals agree that consolidating their bills into one provider would help them to manage their expenses better, so moving to a company with a multi-service solution is an easy first step to keep your financial resolutions on track, saving time and money.”

RELATED: Landis+Gyr says: Australia are in need of an energy education

So what are you waiting for? See how much making the switch could save you by plugging in a few simple details into the Mozo Energy Cost Cruncher, or read on for some simple tips to avoid a winter energy bill blowout. 

Four winter energy savers

While some Aussies will be resorting to extreme measures to keep power bills down this winter, recent research from Mozo found that many households were guilty of serious energy wasters, with bad habits set to cost the nation $1.09 billion. So what are some simple solutions to cutting bill costs?

  • Leave your heating off:  According to Mozo research 11% of Aussies admitted to leaving the heating on for their pets while out, but while you might be thinking of your furry friends with good intentions, doing so could add an extra $263 to your household power bills over winter.
  • Trim your shower time:  A warm shower goes a long way to making early mornings more tolerable in winter, but Mozo research revealed that just three minutes more in the shower each day could add an extra $81 to household energy bills over winter.
  • Make use of the sun: Using the tumble dryer can be a handy solution when clothes pile up after a few wet days, but that doesn’t mean the sun can’t effectively dry your clothes on sunny days. Plus, using a dryer instead of drying your clothes outside on sunny days could add an extra $59 to your household energy bills over winter.      
  • Turn your heating down: Just because you're dreaming of somewhere warmer doesn’t mean you need to keep your home at tropical temperatures. In fact, Mozo research found that homes that kept the heating too high would add an extra $105 to their bills over winter.

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