Powershop’s new ‘super off-peak’ tariff to help electric vehicle owners “charge up”

To support the increasing number of electric cars in South-East Queensland, proudly green energy retailer, Powershop, has unveiled their new ‘super off-peak’ tariff for electric vehicle (EV) owners.
Between the hours of 12am - 4am on weekdays, EV owners will be able to charge their cars at a usage rate of 9.90cents/kWh - a massive difference from the peak (4pm - 8pm) time-of-use of charge of 33.08 cents/kWh.
In order to be eligible for the offer, customers must be willing to move onto a time-of-use plan and own a smart meter.
Powershop’s Auto Pay plan features a discount of 15% if EV owners purchase the Mega Pack - a pack which provides three months worth of power. Or if you select the Power Pack, a 12% discount is available just by logging in when notified by the ‘Account Review coming’ notification and paying all amounts owing.
“Powershop have always been front and centre in showing their support for renewable energy and electric cars are another area where they can work toward their mission of greener nation,” said Mozo energy expert, Nathan Warne.
“If you are an electric vehicle owner and are considering Powershop’s new offer, just keep in mind that you will have to be committed to reaping the benefit, considering the lowest usage rate starts at midnight.”
Powershop’s Auto Pay Plan is only available to EV owners in South-East Queensland, however, the retailer has plans to expand to other states.
Electric car purchases to soar by 2030
According to a document from the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, as of 30 June 2018, 1,562 plug-in electric vehicles were registered in Queensland, representing 0.04% of the state’s car ownership.
But it’s not just Queenslanders loving electric cars, figures from the 2018 Australian Electric Vehicle Market Study has predicted that both Battery Electric Vehicles and Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicles purchases will hit 615,000 vehicles per annum by 2030, before climbing to an annual vehicle sale of 1.89 million by 2040.
“As electric vehicles purchases continue to increase, it’ll be interesting to see if other energy retailers eventually launch their own plans to compete,” said Warne.
And even if you don’t own an electric vehicle, you can still do your bit to support renewable energy by opting for an energy plan with a GreenPower option. Our energy cost crunch calculator can help you compare plans in your area that offer GreenPower.