Home loan news and advice

All the latest home loan news and top tips to help you manage your home loan.

Challenger banks wage battle on big 4 for refinancers

Challenger banks wage battle on Big 4 for refinancers

If you’re one of the millions of mortgage holders who has built up substantial equity in your home,  you may not know it, but there is a battle taking place right now for your home loan. With home loan interest rates steadily increasing some challenger banks and lenders have been tweaking their home loans and are offering borrowers with low loan-to-value ratios (LVRs) lower interest rates, loyalty bonuses and even cashback in a bid to woo them away from the Big 4, where the current average^^ owner-occupier variable home loan rate sits at 7.29%.So, if you’ve been feeling the pinch of higher repayments lately and you’re likely to qualify for refinancing, take a closer look at what these loans have on offer to see how they stack up...

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Australia's cheapest home loans revealed for 2023

Australia's cheapest home loans revealed for 2023

Finding the right home loan could mean the difference between tens of thousands of dollars in interest saved over the life of a loan, but Aussie borrowers can be forgiven for finding it hard to pick the best option given the mountain of different lenders and rates available.

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Best home loans to crush your mortgage in 2023

Best home loans to crush your mortgage in 2023

If saving money on your home loan in 2023 is what you’re after, then you've come to the right place. Discovering a great value home loan could mean the difference between tens of thousands of dollars saved in interest over the course of your loan, but in practice it can be hard to find the best option amongst the dozens of different lenders and rates on the market.

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Meet the online lenders saving Aussies millions

Meet the online lenders saving Aussies millions

These days, Aussies have more choice than ever before when it comes to borrowing money, and as everyone searches for faster, easier ways to control their finances, online lenders are emerging as real challengers to the big banks.

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New way to borrow takes Australia by storm

New way to borrow takes Australia by storm

2023 is shaping up as the year of the online lender, with rising rates driving borrowers away from the big banks and a whopping six in ten borrowers in Australia now considering low cost loans from online lenders instead.

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New way to borrow takes Australia by storm

New way to borrow takes Australia by storm

With rising rates driving borrowers away from the big banks and a whopping six in ten borrowers in Australia now considering low cost loans from online lenders instead, 2023 could shape up to be the year of the online lender.

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