Eggcellent news for those who savour their Easter treats

Aussies who gobble down all their Easter eggs in one sitting are less inclined to have control over their personal finances - at least according to the latest research conducted by ME Bank.
Over a thousand participants answered a range of questions in the bank’s online survey, which asked them how they enjoyed their eggy treats over the holiday season.
The results clearly indicated that those with a penchant for nibbling away at their choccies over time were adept at saving money, while bunny bingers not so much.
“Those who savour their Easter are more likely to have a decent stash of cash tucked away, like squirrels tucking away nuts for the winter,” ME Head of Deposits and Transactional Banking, Nic Emery, explained.
He added that the study highlighted how the desire for instant gratification can be a true obstacle when it comes to saving money.
“But remember, a balanced approach is always best. If you’re an avid Easter egg stasher, be prepared to dip into your savings from time to time and enjoy life’s pleasures. In other words, enjoy your Easter eggs,” advised Emery.
This comes after last-minute Easter egg shoppers have also been advised to watch out for the “eggsorbitant” markups on popular foil wrapped treats offered at the supermarket.
Mozo compared Easter egg prices against how much it costs for the same chocolate without the fancy packaging. Unfortunately for the budget-conscious, markups can be as high as 288% if you opt for brands like Kinder.
“While most chocolate lovers would understand there’s a price premium on Easter novelty treats, our analysis shows you’d be hopping mad not to compare the unit prices,” said Mozo Director, Kirsty Lamont.
Before you hit the shops, be sure to check out our Easter egg guide on the best and worst value choccies so you can save money. Or, if you’re looking to build your savings nest egg, compare accounts here.
^See information about the Mozo Experts Choice Savings Account Awards
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