After a credit card to keep costs down and have you managing your spending budget like a pro? Check out a low rate credit card from Bank First. This cost effective piece of plastic is the perfect addition to any wallet.
Product | Purchase rate | Balance transfer rate | Annual fees | Interest free days on purchases |
12.54% p.a. |
No current offer |
$0 |
55 |
11.49% p.a. |
No current offer |
$99 |
55 |
Say goodbye to annual fees with the low fee credit card option from Bank First. This piece of plastic will have you spending with ease and confidence, knowing there isn't a hefty credit card bill waiting at the end of the shopping trip.
Product | Purchase rate | Balance transfer rate | Annual fees | Interest free days on purchases |
12.54% p.a. |
No current offer |
$0 |
55 |
Like a little luxury with your credit card spend? Upgrade to a Bank First premium credit card. With a super low interest rate and reasonable annual fee, this is a perfect premium options for splurgy spenders whose budget is a little tight.
Product | Points per dollar | Purchase rate | Balance transfer rate | Annual fees |
11.49% p.a. |
No current offer |
$99 |
No matter which credit card you go for from Bank First, you’ll have up to 55 days to pay off your balance before being charged interest on it. This interest free period starts at the beginning of your statement cycle, so if you make a purchase on the first day of your cycle, you’ll have the full 55 days to pay it off, but after that, you’ll have less.
Also keep in mind that to get your hands on these interest free days, you need to be paying your entire balance off month after month.
If you opt for the classic credit card from Bank First, you’ll skip the annual fee and just have cash advance and foreign exchange fees to contend with, as well as any late payment or dishonour fees you rack up.
If you’d rather the premium version, you’ll pay these, plus an annual fee.
Each month you’ll receive a credit card statement that tells you the minimum payment you must make on your credit card balance.
For a Bank First credit card, this amount will be either $20 or 5% of your balance, whichever is the larger amount.
Although there isn’t a rewards program attached to your Bank First credit card, if you opt for the premium card, you will get access to a 24/7 concierge service, complimentary travel insurance and you’ll automatically become members of the Visa Entertainment program, which offers exclusive discounts on a bunch of cool stuff.
If you’d rather opt for a credit card option with a more comprehensive rewards program attached, check out these great rewards cards.
Yes you can, but we have bad news - although you’ll get a nice low rate on balances transferred to your Bank First credit card, you won’t get a zero interest period, like you would on many other balance transfer options.
If you’d like to cash in on this great 0% interest offer, head over to our balance transfer comparison here.
Being a VISA card, your Bank First card will work all around the world - wherever VISA is accepted.
Sure can. Bank First credit cards run on the VISA system - which means you can make buys under $100 and pay for them using the contactless payment system payWave.
While security may not be at the top of your mind when you hit the shops, it's important to keep your credit card details safe. So here are our top tips to do that:
Never use an ATM that looks damaged - it may be a sign scammers have tampered with the machine
Never share your details via email. They won’t be secured against online hackers this way.
Any email from Bank First asking for your secure details or prompting you to follow a link to update your secure details is likely a scam. Don’t reply and instead report it to the bank right away.
Be vigilant and aware of your surroundings when you use your credit card in public
Choose a PIN number that you can easily remember, but that other people won’t guess
Mozo users have rated Bank First credit cards on price, features, convenience, trust and customer service so you can see what real Aussies have to say about their experiences.
Fantastic everyday Visa card with no frills. And no fees.
Read full reviewFantastic everyday Visa card with no frills. And no fees.
I have been with this bank for a number of years (around 20 years) and although they were relatively great in the beginning they have gradually gone downhill. Recently after moving house and forgetting to update my details online my loan account went into arrears. The bank claim they tried to contact me by mail but I received nothing. Most likely due to not updating my details. The bank then happily took out $20 a month in arrears from December until April until I noticed it and fixed the arrears. No phone call, no text message and no sympathy towards a long time member. I was basically told "There is nothing we can do, its in our terms and conditions." I'll also add that this bank has not kept up with the times over the years. While other banks have MFA (Multif Factor Authentication) to protect your online banking, this bank does not. Nor does it support any sort of Apple or Google Pay like most of the others.
Read full reviewI have been with this bank for a number of years (around 20 years) and although they were relatively great in the beginning they have gradually gone downhill. Recently after moving house and forgetting to update my details online my loan account went into arrears. The bank claim they tried to contact me by mail but I received nothing. Most likely due to not updating my details. The bank then happily took out $20 a month in arrears from December until April until I noticed it and fixed the arrears. No phone call, no text message and no sympathy towards a long time member. I was basically told "There is nothing we can do, its in our terms and conditions." I'll also add that this bank has not kept up with the times over the years. While other banks have MFA (Multif Factor Authentication) to protect your online banking, this bank does not. Nor does it support any sort of Apple or Google Pay like most of the others.
Good customer service, good all round card and easy access. One improvement would be a rewards program.
Read full reviewGood customer service, good all round card and easy access. One improvement would be a rewards program.
Great customer relations and any calls I make I can speak to someone with an Australian accept.
Read full reviewGreat customer relations and any calls I make I can speak to someone with an Australian accept.
Does not have any extras, no fee, very simple, VTMU always ring if they are unsure of a transaction. Very happy with the card.
Read full reviewDoes not have any extras, no fee, very simple, VTMU always ring if they are unsure of a transaction. Very happy with the card.
If you're thinking of applying for a credit card with Bank First, all you need to do is give them a call, apply online or download an application form from their website and sending it in via post.
When you do so, remember that you’ll need to have handy details about your income, debts, assets and any other financial bits that might impact your ability to handle credit card repayments.
For more information on how to apply for a credit card, check out our guide.