WA households to receive $600 electricity bill credit this week

Over the long weekend Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan announced that every WA household will be receiving a $600 electricity bill credit sometime this week.
According to the Premier, the credit is expected to cover around four months worth of electricity expenses and is being provided to encourage WA households to increase their spending in preparation for Christmas.
“This will give families the confidence to spend over Christmas and to make sure they support local businesses,” McGowan told reporters on Sunday.
“We’re climbing out of COVID very rapidly. Our economy is the strongest in Australia. But we still want to give consumers confidence to spend over the coming months and this allows us to do that.”
This bill credit package is the second to be announced by McGowan. In March, Mozo reported on the WA stimulus package, which froze all charges for electricity, water and vehicle registration.
"For the first time in 16 years all household fees and charges will be frozen, providing relief and certainty to each and every West Australian," Mr McGowan said at the time.
Additionally, the Energy Assistance Payment, a rebate provided to concession card holders was doubled to $600 to help make their energy bill payments.
How the rest of the country can save on their energy bills
As Aussies around the country are getting their first taste of summer weather, it won’t be long until air conditioners and fans start to rumble to life. But every household knows that keeping cool can often come at a price.
However, according to Mozo’s recent Energy Report, Aussies have the potential to save between $200 - $300 a year on their energy bill, depending on their distribution zone.
“Our research has shown that Aussies can still snag a more competitive offer, just by shopping around,” said Mozo Director, Kirsty Lamont.
“Or if you prefer to stick with your current retailer, give them a call and ask for a better deal. You could be surprised with just how much they’re willing to shave off if you mention you’re thinking about switching.”
Find out how much you could be saving on your energy costs by heading over to our energy comparison tool!