Working from home adds an extra $527 to your energy bill every 6 months, says Mozo

Households across the country have become busier than ever, with many Aussies having to convert their spare spaces into home offices and schools.

But while a DIY office and school may make for a fun project, according to new Mozo research, it might also mean a higher energy bill

Mozo data found that Aussie families will have to fork out an extra $527 every six months as they continue to work and learn from home - that’s an extra $88 every month and a 50% increase on the average monthly energy bill! 

What’s more worrying is that once you add heating appliances into the mix, that figure then jumps to an eye-watering $1,582! 

RELATED: Mozo: 49% of Aussies unhappy with their energy provider, but aren’t doing anything about it

“These are trying times for Australia and we are currently facing two crises, the spread of a global virus and a financial downturn, said Mozo Director, Kirsty Lamont. 

“With so many households feeling the financial crunch amid dire economic times, it’s crucial to review your household expenses, minimise costs and switch to more competitive deals wherever possible.” 

For many Aussies, playing background music or having the TV on is a common trick to replicate office noise, however, doing both adds another $124 to your bill every six months. 

Using computers and charging laptops alone totals to an additional $190 every six months, while boiling the kettle twice daily and using the microwave adds an extra $95. 

“Every action can contribute to your energy consumption when you are working at home. By turning on lights and working under them for an additional eight hours, you are costing yourself $116.80 over the six month period,” said Lamont. 

“Consider working near a window with natural light or get some vitamin D and sit outside for a portion of the day. Every little action helps when it comes to decreasing your energy bill.”

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And as the days get chillier, it won’t be long until households start to switch on the heating to stay warm. 

“If you choose to turn your air conditioner to a heating setting then you could add an extra $408.80 to your energy bill, if you add this to the other working from home costs that's a whopping $935.90 added to your normal energy bill,” warned Lamont. 

“If you have an electric heater at thome, it would cost you $1232.20 while you are working from home for six months.”

However, Lamont added that there may be a way to prevent a spike in your energy bill: switching to a better offer

“Working from home means our energy bills will become larger, so it’s important to ensure you’re getting the best deal for your usage. One phone call could slash your energy bill and put some cash back in your pocket.”

So if you’d like to find out how much you could be saving, enter your postcode below to start comparing some of the latest energy deals. 

Or if you’d like tips and tricks on how you can reduce your energy usage during self isolation, check out our energy saving tips hub! 

^See information about the Mozo Experts Choice Energy Awards

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