International money transfer resources

Country guides for transferring money internationally

Not every country around the world has the same options for transferring money overseas so it’s important to read up on all the essential info you’ll need before you spend time comparing providers and exchange rates. Scroll down to your country of choice now or become a global money transfer expert and read our guides one by one.

Send money to India

Send money to India

The Indian community is one of the largest groups of permanent migrants in Australia, with more than 700,000 people making up Australia's population in 2020, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics . With many Indian citizens moving to Australia, there are a range of personal reasons why people would need to send money overseas to India. These reasons would include:

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Send money to Hong Kong

Send money to Hong Kong

There’s a huge community of expats living in Hong Kong, with around 100,000 Australians residing there. Australia’s business ties with Hong Kong are also profound, so there are plenty of reasons why we would need to make an international money transfer there. For instance, you may have to send money to Hong Kong in order to purchase goods and services for your business, or pay your overseas employees. Maybe you have relative living in Hong Kong and you want to send them a cash gift for their birthday.

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Send money to Greece

Send money to Greece

Greece has slowly opened up its borders to fully vaccinated travellers from different parts of the world that can provide a negative COVID test. International money transfers have arguably become a more essential way than ever to support family and friends over there and for Aussies who are still struggling to get a flight home. The good news is, sending money to Greece can be done cheaply and conveniently with the right foreign exchange provider.

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Send money to Germany

Send money to Germany

Thanks to this modern world we live in, sending money to Germany is a relatively stress free and economical exercise. With advances in technology, there are many easy and convenient ways to transfer money and many purposes for sending funds to Germany such as:

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Send money to France

Send money to France

If you've got friends or family who have packed up their lives to move to France for work or their studies, you may find yourself needing to transfer them money. 

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Send money to Europe

Send money to Europe

It has become increasingly common for Australians to send money overseas to Europe, whether for work or study. In fact, in 2019 alone, countries in the European Union received a combined total of $119 billion in remittances, according to the World Bank . 

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Send money to Denmark

Send money to Denmark

If you're buying property in Denmark, doing business over there, or have family and friends who live in the capital of Copenhagen, chances are there’ll come a time when you need to send money overseas. Whether it's a one-off transaction or a regular transfer, we’ll guide you with quick how-to tips to get you on your way. Take a moment to read about how an international money transfer to Denmark would work. 

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