
Based on 7996 Bendigo Bank product reviews as rated by the Mozo customers. More about the Mozo Customer Ratings.

Bendigo Bank business savings accounts

Bendigo Bank is a community focused bank that's all about customer satisfaction. Over the past 25 years, Bendigo Bank has given back $320 million to help communities build the things they need to thrive. With a national presence and an innovative digital experience, Bendigo Bank offers a full range of financial services including credit cards, personal loans, home loans, savings and bank accounts to help Aussies meet their money goals.

Bendigo Bank offers the following business savings accounts

Rates and fees verified as correct at 6 October 2024. Other information correct at the time of writing. Advertiser disclosure.
Product Interest rate Maximum rate Govt deposit guarantee
Business EasySaver Account

1.45% p.a.(for $0 and over)

No Current Offer

Yes up to $250,000

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Bendigo Bank business savings accounts

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