2021 Money Horoscope: Shake the Mozo magic 8-ball

2021 Money Horoscope: Shake the Mozo magic 8-ball

Congrats, you made it out of 2020! If you weren’t into astrology before, then you probably are now after the year we’ve had.

So, are you keen to shake the Mozo Magic 8-ball and get a glimpse of what’s to come in 2021? Then open your third-eye while we consult the sky! Your financial future awaits…

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

2021 Money Horoscope: Get ready for some exciting new collabs and connections to come your way in 2021, Aries. But with new opportunities (and a Pluto retrograde in Capricorn late June) comes the need to self-reflect.

Not to mention, this could also be the time to reevaluate your current savings strategies to ensure you’re thinking about the long term.

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

2021 Money Horoscope: This year you’ll be itching to get out of your comfort zone, Taurus. Despite its rep for causing havoc, Mercury retrograde is a great time to stop and reflect. So don’t be surprised if you rethink all your career goals during May’s Mercury retrograde. Just consider the pros and cons before jumping ship.

Also, this year you might see your already slippery spending habits fly off the handle a little. Set a budget (and some online shopping boundaries) to avoid breaking the bank.

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

2021 Money Horoscope: This year, it’s all about staying ahead of the game, Gemini. In 2021, our Mozo magic 8-ball predicts an ever-flowing stream of abundance for you Gemini. Not to mention, with Saturn shifting through your ninth house of learning and education, you’ll likely find yourself hitting the books this year. 

Perhaps you’ve just finished school and are about to embark on your next chapter as a student at uni, TAFE or college? Be sure to check out Mozo’s declassified (post) school survival guide for all the financial need-to-know’s that they don’t teach in school.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

2021 Money Horoscope: Cancer, the stars say that this year you need to make better judgements around money matters. Take the time to sit down and sort out your current financial obligations (loans, debt, credit card balances) to see what can be improved. 

Starting thinking more about the bigger picture. For example, you might choose to up your regular car loan repayments to lower the amount of interest you pay over time.

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

2021 Money Horoscope: Leo, despite all the financial twists and turns of 2020, you’ve managed to dodge quite a few bullets. Call it luck, but it’s that belly of fire and unmatched determination of yours that you have to thank for it.

This year glory (and a possible pay rise) can be yours once again, so long as you’re willing to put in the work. Lucky for you, hard work is your middle name. So, if you do score that pay rise, make sure to get yourself a high-interest savings account so you can earn some extra bang for your buck.

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

2021 Money Horoscope: Virgo, much like last year, in 2021 you’ll be experiencing a whole lot of personal and spiritual growth. This year you’ll be working on yourself and asking all the right questions that’ll ultimately lead you straight to your dharma (life purpose).

Now I know your friends like to tease you about your little quirks and regimes (especially those air signs), but your routines help align you with your highest self. And let’s just say that with the north node in Gemini, this year you’ll finally be ready to start that business and pursue your soul’s callings.

Libra (23 September – 22 October)

2021 Money Horoscope: What can I say, very few can resist a Libra’s charm (whether they admit it or not). So in 2021, make sure to use it to your advantage Librans! By playing your cards right you could have lots of little career wins this year.

Based on the Mozo magic 8-ball’s predictions, you should pay closer attention to your finances this year Librans. Set a budget and start tracking your spending with a handy budgeting and savings app.

Scorpio (23 October – 21 November)

2021 Money Horoscope: If there’s one zodiac sign that’s always up to date with the latest business trends and market changes it’s you, Scorpio. So, our Mozo magic 8-ball says that this year it’ll benefit you to do what you do best.

Go through all your current financial products with a fine-toothed comb to ensure you’re getting the best possible deal. Found a better home loan rate elsewhere? Whatcha waiting for? Make the switch!

Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

2021 Money Horoscope: With a square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus, this year there's a big focus on your career Sagis! Whether you’re in the business of business or busy working a nine to five, 2021 could be the year that you take your career to the next level.

This could potentially mean expanding your business or diversifying your income by investing money into property or shares.

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

2021 Money Horoscope: With an upcoming Saturn retrograde, our Mozo magic 8-ball says that our Capricorn companions should give their finances a good spring clean in May 2021. Go through your accounts, subscriptions (Netflix, Stan, Spotify) and other additional expenses and pull the plug on what you don’t need or use.

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

2021 Money Horoscope: What a time to be an Aquarius! If you’ve been sitting on the fence about following your dreams, then now’s the time to take a leap of faith. As we enter into the Age of Aquarius, the planets are urging our fave water bearers to start investing in themselves this year.

Do an acting class, sign up for surf lessons, take to the stage, start a side hustle - whatever it is, this year just commit to doing the things that set your soul on fire Aquarians.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

2021 Money Horoscope: Pisces pals, if one thing’s for sure, it’s that you lot are a bunch of hard workers. Over the past few years, you’ve really done the hard yards to push yourself further in your careers - and it’s paying off. 

This year you’re a magnet for new opportunities and you just might land yourself a leadership role. But what’s all that hard work without a little reward? Don’t be afraid to treat yourself this year Pisces - perhaps a new car? Just don’t go too overboard (we know that’s your specialty).

Head to our life & money hub for tonnes of money tips and tricks to help you stay financially savvy in 2021!

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