August 2022 Financial Checklist

August 2022 Financial Checklist

It’s August, folks! Which means it’s time for yet another jam-packed Financial Checklist to help get you through the month ahead!

1. Embrace National Financial Awareness Day

National Financial Awareness Day (A.K.A. Mozo’s Christmas!) is coming up on the 14th of August. The day serves as a great reminder that each financial decision you make impacts your life and thus the importance of financial independence.

Here are some ways you can embrace the day:

  • Track your spending: with a budgeting and savings app to keep tabs on where your money goes each month.
  • Set some financial goals: Whether you’re saving up for a new car, a holiday or a house deposit – it’s a lot easier to save when you know what you’re saving for. Jot down some savings goals in the notes section of your phone and start working towards them.
  • Create a budget: Contrary to popular belief, a budget isn’t there to restrict you. A budget can give you the freedom to spend money on the fun stuff while ensuring that your bills and savings goals are covered too. 

2. Create a cost-of-living buffer

You’ve heard it everywhere. Lettuce prices have gone up. Petrol prices are through the roof. We’re in the midst of a cost of living crisis, folks. 

So, you can either curl into a ball and cry about it or make a few adjustments to reduce your expenses and help your budget go further(we suggest going with the latter!). 

Save money by planning your meals, cancelling any unused subscriptions and running a home loan comparison to see how much you could save by switching. Every bit counts!

3. Spruce up your socials with some financial inspo accounts

As they say, “you are what you eat”. And this applies to the content you consume on the reg. It’s much harder to curb a shopping habit when your feed is full of influencers and brands trying to sell you stuff.

Instead, follow accounts that’ll inspire you to make better financial decisions! *cough* Mozo.

Seriously though, we’re serving up some top-tier content over at our socials. So, if you love a good meme or relatable video, follow on Instagram and TikTok!

4. What’s new on Netflix & Binge in August 2022

If you’re after some new TV shows and movies to stream, then you’ve come to the right place! This month, Netflix and Binge have loads of exciting new titles for you to check out:

  • New on Binge: Project X, Shameless and The Wild Thornberrys are just a handful of what’s coming to Binge in August 2022.
  • New on Netflix: Here’s what’s new to Netflix Australia this month.

5. Strive for greater financial stability this Leo season

Stop what you’re doing. It’s Leo season! According to the Mozo Magic 8-ball, our fave lions and lionesses can expect to engage in much more collaborative work this year!

This could mean more group projects or perhaps a partnership on a new business venture. But while you're encouraged to spread your wings, Leo - remember to strive for greater financial stability while doing so!

That’s all, folks! We’ll catch ya back here next month for your September 2022 Financial Checklist. For now, you can keep yourself busy by checking out our life & money hub!