Australians reminded about the importance of fire safety as fire insurance claims climb in WA

Australians are being reminded about the importance of staying fire safe this winter as a recent analysis by the RAC (Royal Automobile Club of Western Australia) has found that the number of fire insurance claims in WA has increased over the last four years, with majority of the claims being made during winter and early spring. 

“The months of July, August and September have consistently had a higher percentage of fires when compared to the other months of the year. On average, there is nearly a 20 per cent increase in fire claims over these months,” revealed Glen Walker, RAC Insurance home claims manager. 

According to the data, the RAC approved 100 fire claims within the last winter alone, before explaining that many of the claims could have easily been prevented.

Walker went on to describe many of the common ways a fire could start, warning that flammable items being left too close to a heater, open fireplace, candles, electric blankets and overloaded power boards were the typical culprits. 

RELATED: NSW Government wastes $25 million on failed fire levy reform

Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW) also released a series of simple steps to prepare your home against the risk of fire. These include: 

  • Make sure your home has a working smoke alarm
  • Do not overload power boards
  • Get rid of frayed electric cords
  • Remember to turn off electric blankets and heaters before going to bed
  • Keep candles away from curtains and put them out before leaving a room  
  • Stay away from using LPG cylinders for cooking and heating indoors, as they can leak gas and become highly explosive. 

“You’d think that in 2017, people would know to be vigilant when using certain heating items such as electric blankets, heaters and candles, but our data shows the message is not getting through,” Walker said. 

To ensure that you are adequately protected in the event of a fire, Mozo’s Money Experts advise homeowners to check their home insurance policies to certify that is it current and has the right level of cover for your home or property’s value. 

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