April 2022 Financial Checklist

Buckle in, folks. After the chaotic Christmas and New Year’s period - April’s got to be the next busiest time of the year.
With Easter, school holidays and long weekends galore, you’d better thank your lucky stars that your favourite financial checklist’s here to help get you through!
1. How to not get pranked by your bank
You can never be too cautious on April Fool’s Day - especially if you want to avoid being the punchline of a prank or practical joke. But what if you’re being pranked by your bank?
Did you know that Aussies are more likely to break up with their S.O. than their bank?! New Mozo research revealed that 73% of Australians have never changed banks but have had more than one romantic partner. Wild!
But trust us, bank loyalty ain’t a thing. In fact, banks often offer better deals to new customers versus those who’ve been with them forever. I mean, why bother? They know you’re not going anywhere.
So, don’t be a financial fool this April Fool’s Day. Compare banks to see what else is out there!
2. Get a 17-day break with just 8 days of leave
April is packed with public holidays. And if you play your cards right, you could turn just 8 days of annual leave into a 17-day break! But what kind of sorcery is this, you ask? We’ll tell you!

Thanks to the Easter long weekend (from Friday the 15th of April until Monday the 18th), you’ll only need to take 4 days leave (Tuesday the 19th of April to Friday the 22nd) to get 8 days off.
This brings us up to the following weekend and then the ANZAC Day public holiday on Monday the 25th of April. So then, if you then take off Tuesday the 26th of April until Friday the 29th, you’ll get a total of 17 days off work (when you count the next weekend).
Read our guide to find out when to take leave this year to maximise your time off.
3. Save like a pro at the Easter Show
Dagwood Dogs, $2 toasties, chips on a stick - oh my!
It’s Easter Show season, folks (every parent's favourite time of the year). Nothing beats a day at the Show. But it can cost a pretty penny - unless you’re a seasoned pro and know all the top Easter Show money-saving hacks.
For example, the biggest penny-pincher complaint is how expensive showbags are. But did you know that there are around 150 showbags that cost just $10 or less? When there’s a will, there’s a way!
4. Budget-friendly school holiday hacks
Speaking of fun family outings. The school holidays are almost here - which means all you parents out there will need to work out how to keep your kids entertained for an entire two weeks. Ay caramba!
Now at the risk of sounding super cheesy, the best things in life truly are free. You don’t need to spend a fortune to keep the kids happy. Some of the best memories are made in parks, beaches or even your own backyard. The key is to use your imagination!
5. Buckle down with a budget this Aries season
It’s time for the first fire sign of the zodiac to come out and play. Aries! Upon consulting the majestic Mozo Magic 8-ball, it seems you’ll have lots of wiggle room when it comes to your career and financial goals this year.
Alas, with great rewards comes greater responsibility. This year you’d be wise to be more mindful with your money management. Setting yourself a solid budget is for sure the way to go.
That’s a wrap, folks! We’ll catch you back here next month for your May 2022 Financial Checklist. In the meantime, go check out our life & money hub!
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