December 2021 Financial Checklist

December 2021 Financial Checklist

“Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring tingle tingling too (ring-a-ling-a ding-dong-ding!).”

That’s right, folks. It’s December first, which means that the silly season is finally upon us! It also means that there’s lots to get through to ensure you’re prepared for the eventful month ahead.

And so, our Christmas gift to you is one final financial checklist to finish the year on. Your December 2021 Financial Checklist awaits:

1. Save on Christmas gifts by shopping online

If we’ve taught you anything here at Mozo, it’s that whether you’re shopping for a home loan or Christmas presents - the secret to saving money is to: shop around and compare prices.

Buying gifts online can be a great way to find a better deal as you can shop around until you find the best price, all at the click of a button. Another online shopping perk is that you can often find coupon codes to help bring down the total.

2. Get more bang for your buck this Silly Season

Another way to get some more bang for your buck this Silly Season is by using a rewards credit card on all your spending. That way, you can earn rewards on purchases you’d already be making (which will likely be more than usual).

3. Hit the road with peace of mind

Taking advantage of your time off this Christmas to reunite with friends and family after lockdowns? Just remember, you never need insurance until you need insurance.

So before you hit the road, be sure to double-check (and, if necessary, update) your car insurance policy to ensure you’ve got all the right cover should anything go wrong.

4. Celebrate 50+ episodes of The Finance Burrito podcast

It’s been another busy month in moneyland. In case you’ve fallen behind, here’s what we’ve been chatting about recently on The Finance Burrito podcast:

Ep. #50: Your Money News: Say hello to hyperinflation & the great resignation

Before cracking open a bottle to celebrate reaching The Finance Burrito’s 50th episode, your fave hosts Liv and Tom touch on all the hottest finance news topics of the week - such as:

  • How Australia is about to experience ‘the great resignation’
  • The rumours that hyperinflation's on its way Down Under
  • Tesla surpasses $1 trillion valuation
  • How much your fave childhood entertainers earn (Hint: they're the only people to pull off a skivvy!).

Ep. #51: Your Money News: ScoMo makes a big electric vehicle announcement, but is it full of smoke?

In this ep, get ready to hear about:

Ep. #52: Your Money News: Million-dollar properties the norm & the employee taking on CommBank 

This episode you’ll be hearing all about:

  • The government's plans to ban dark roofs on houses to drive down temperatures
  • Recent reports investigate rising Aussie property prices, with 1 in 4 homes now over $1 mill
  • The Commonwealth Bank is being sued by an ex-employee who was fired for discussing his pay
  • An armoured truck makes it rain money ... literally.

If you’re not already up to date with all the latest Finance Burrito podcast eps, then hop to it, folks! Be sure to follow us on Instagram and TikTok for some extra Finance Burrito juice! 

5. Take your career to the next level this Sagittarius season

As our Mozo Magic 8-ball predicted at the start of 2021, it’s been a big year for your career, hasn’t it Sagittarius?

Whether you’re a business owner or a nine to fiver, 2021 has been all about taking your career to the next level. But the year’s not over yet! 

There’s still time to tick off those business expansion plans or to diversify your investment portfolio - so get to it, Sag!

And that’s the last monthly Financial Checklist done and dusted for 2021, folks! We wish you all a safe and splendid Silly Season and look forward to seeing you all back here next year for your January 2022 checklist. Until then, go and explore our life and money hub!

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