99 days until Christmas! Here are 99 ways to save money

Image: Woman budgeting for Christmas
Image: Woman budgeting for Christmas

Christmas is approaching - just 99 days, folks! So now might be a good time to start stashing some money away before the big jolly man arrives.

Below we offer 99 ways to save, one tactic for each day until Christmas ...

  1. Track your spending. Try a budgeting app.
  2. Make sure you're not getting stung by any ridiculous banking fees.
  3. Look for a better savings account with higher interest.
  4. If you're a homeowner, compare your home loan interest rate to the best available.
  5. Get a cafe loyalty card from your local for a few freebies.
  6. Wait before buying, give yourself a day to think about it.
  7. Save on energy, turn off appliances when they're not in use.
  8. Think about your money priorities. What's important?
  9. Try generic brands for staples such as bread, biscuits, cheese and tomato sauce.
  10. Put a bit of money away every week.
  11. If you must use a credit card, get one that offers cashback.
  12. Use cash for small purchases.
  13. Give a no-spending weekend a go.
  14. Don't rush to spend on payday.
  15. Shop second-hand instead of always buying new.
  16. Shop with cashbacks or rewards in mind.
  17. Set savings goals.
  18. Check out Gumtree for free reusable items.
  19. Cut back on take away dinners, cook at home.
  20. Don't get lured in by sales, unless there are substantial discounts.
  21. Google discount days at local venues like the movies, golf or bowling.
  22. Bring your own shopping bags so you don't have to buy them.
  23. Take a breather on the online shopping. Wait for special sale days.
  24. Budget with a bit of a buffer.
  25. Make cards and gifts at home.
  26. Catch a free show or exhibition.
  27. Only fill up the car when petrol prices drop.
  28. Plan for a 2 week holiday instead of 3 or 4.
  29. Travel local instead of to the other side of the world.
  30. Better yet, leave the car at home and go hiking.
  31. Avoid ATM fees by using your bank's ATM only.
  32. Cancel subscriptions to things you don't use.
  33. Go to the library.
  34. To that end, reduce the number of streaming services you have.
  35. Downsize your place if current costs are much too high.
  36. Switch your mobile plan to a cheaper option.
  37. Get the most out of soap and toothpaste.
  38. Don't let debt add up, pay it off quickly.
  39. Make your own bread.
  40. Learn basic maintenance so you don't always need to pay someone else.
  41. Home soda maker machines can save money.
  42. Buy in bulk.
  43. Use low cost or free communication tools such as WhatsApp.
  44. Only buy seasonal fruit.
  45. The bus is likely to be cheaper than Uber.
  46. Try growing your own fruit and vegetables.
  47. Plan for special nights out rather than every Friday and Saturday night.
  48. Only run a full laundry load - use cold water.
  49. Host birthday parties at home.
  50. Compare energy suppliers, switch to a better deal.
  51. Organise a carpool.
  52. Review your insurances. Switch to a cheaper option for each.
  53. Do potluck dinners with friends or neighbours.
  54. Meal planning can help make the best of what's in the pantry.
  55. Use smart alerts in your banking apps.
  56. Cook once, eat twice.
  57. Bring lunch to work.
  58. A water filter can save on bottled water.
  59. Save your money in a separate account.
  60. Gym membership is fine, but do you need ultra-slick-platinum level?
  61. Switch from monthly to fortnightly repayments where interest is involved.
  62. Consider ceiling fans over an air conditioner.
  63. Get more out of your sneakers than a few months.
  64. Get more out of your car than a couple of years.
  65. Happy hour drinks.
  66. Park a little money in a term deposit.
  67. Use budget-friendly cookbooks.
  68. Swim in the ocean rather than the public pool.
  69. Switch from gas to electricity.
  70. Use smart devices in the home to save on energy and water bills.
  71. Be choosy with cuts of meat at the supermarket.
  72. Homemade cleaning products can work.
  73. Reusables - cutlery, tea towels, cloth wipes and straws help.
  74. Seek out free local attractions and events.
  75. Brew your own coffee at home.
  76. Try some DIY home decor.
  77. Maybe even sell some DIY home decor.
  78. Limit home delivery.
  79. Avoid high-end stores.
  80. Cut back on your smartphone use, reducing data/costs.
  81. Take stock of your potential tax deductions.
  82. Invite friends around instead of going out for a lavish dinner.
  83. Cook something you can eat again later in the week like a casserole.
  84. Have a garage sale.
  85. Buy quality appliances that don't need constant repairing.
  86. Buy a reliable car.
  87. Do holiday season shopping during online sales.
  88. Declutter and sell items in good condition.
  89. Coach a team or be a trainer at the local club for extra cash.
  90. Shop local and avoid the mall.
  91. Share babysitting with neighbours.
  92. Move to a cheaper suburb.
  93. Cut your own hair, or at least have a family member do it.
  94. Pack snacks for your road trip instead of always stopping.
  95. Pay attention to how far you drive and what route you take.
  96. Invest in a crockpot.
  97. Note down auto-subscription dates.
  98. Avoid late fees of any kind.
  99. Shop around for the Christmas ham and turkey.

^See information about the Mozo Experts Choice Savings Account Awards

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