Most Aussies love shopping with their phones: What type of shopper are you?

shopping centre

Klarna’s mobile shopping report finds that 6 in 10 Aussies make purchases via their mobile phone devices more often than they did two years ago, which is higher than the global average.

According to Shopify, 292 million people are expected to have their own mobile devices by 2024 and it is predicted that some 187.5 million of them will shop via their smartphone.

With so many people online shopping via their phone, it is important that online shopping sites are mobile friendly. Supporting this idea, Shopify finds that 57% of customers won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile website, while half will stop visiting it altogether, even if they like the retailer and the product it sells.

A step further - shopping experience matters

It is clear that Aussies are enjoying the convenience of shopping via their mobile devices, but further findings show that shoppers are now taking mobile shopping one step further and combining their online and in-person shopping experience. Klarna finds that 25% of Australian responders always use their smartphone to research and compare products whilst physically shopping in stores, and 42% say that they sometimes do this. Among the surveyed countries, Australians, Americans and Scandinavians do this most often.

Everyone has different ways to shop and different priorities for buying: some people like to research the products beforehand and go into the store knowing exactly what they are looking for. Others prefer to shop more casually, browsing and comparing products in store. Others do both, says Klarna, with 25% of Aussies researching products on their mobile phones while physically shopping in stores.

So to paint a better picture, let’s consider the different types of shoppers and their priorities - Mozo style.

  • The better informed shopper

This might be you - but it's probably one of your parents or your very fussy aunt. They want to know everything about the product they are looking for before making the trip to the shops. They probably spend endless hours researching each product and comparing similarities and differences, price points and specifications, making the actual trip to the shops very quick and easy because they know exactly what they want.

  • The time and money saver

This might be your time-poor older sister who has a high flying job and a family to shop for. Her priority is being organised and knowing exactly what she needs and where she is going to get it. She probably writes her shopping list a week in advance and can navigate the supermarket with ease, picking up all of the best bargains because she knows exactly what to look for.

  • The price comparer

Most of us like to look for a better deal nowadays, especially in a world where everything is reviewed and the cost of living is on the rise. We're all price comparers in a sense and we all want to spend less when possible but some people put in more time and effort to find the best possible price. This person is likely one of the 25% who uses their mobile phones to compare online prices whilst at the shops.

  • The deal hunter

Your grandpa might be the king of deals, constantly looking for deals in the newspaper and using coupons to save money. He might even be one of those people who checks the bottom of every Coles receipt to see what discount they might have won, for example 10% off a case of a beer you’ve never heard of from Liquorland. He has probably also tried to pass his tricks on to you, constantly informing you of the hot deal he scored last week.

  • The price tracker

Is this you? Are you a serial online shopper who waits by the door everyday waiting for the postman to drop off your latest online purchases? Who can blame you? There is so much variety available online, sometimes even more than in store and you can do it all from the comfort of your own home. Maybe you’re one of the 6 in 10 Aussies who use their mobile phones to make more purchases than they did two years ago, in that case, you can shop anytime, any place - no wonder you have parcels to track.

Don’t get caught up with all the bells and whistles - you ideally want to shop in a way that suits you and helps you save money. Mozo does the hard yards on credit card research, with our experts handpicking the best available cards on the market. Similarly we examine the leading Buy Now Pay Later services if that’s more your style.