“For Richer For Poorer” - Fun money wedding vows

While your wedding vows are a way of exclaiming “we will be together forever!”, for those couples who are looking for a more modern version of “For Richer For Poorer”, here are some cheeky ways to pen your promise:

1. The Shopaholic


For Richer For Poorer, from this day forward, I promise to follow you on your shopping sprees without complaint and freeze the credit card when necessary...through the end of financial and Christmas sales I will love thee.


For Richer For Poorer, from this day forward, I promise to love thee as much as my AMEX credit card, keep my Manolo Blahniks obsession under control and do my best to master the art of pennypinching. 

2. The Miserly


For Richer For Poorer, from this day forward, I promise to splurge on popcorn at the movies every now and then, let you order off the la carte menu at the restaurant and love thee whether my stock portfolio is winning or losing.


For Richer For Poorer, from this day forward to have and to scold, I promise to learn the art of investing, not confuse principle with principal and love thee in thy miser-induced sickness.

3. The Debters


For Richer For Poorer, from this day forward, I promise to dump our personal debt (including the cost of this wedding!) and forsaking all others stay clear of tempting purchases so long as we both shall live.


For Richer For Poorer, from this day forward we are cutting up the credit card, creating a savings goal and attacking our debt...till suspicious death do we part!

4. The Spendthrift


For Richer For Poorer, from this day forward, I promise not to spend all our money on the latest gadgets and will not buy the latest luxury Lexus (even though I really, really want it!).


For Richer For Poorer, from this day forward, I promise to be thrifty for the both of us and create a budget to curb the curse of your spendthriftiness.

Want more info on preparing yourself financially for married life? Then read Mozo's Merge Your Love and Money after Marriage article.