Lumo Energy announces Red Energy switch for Queensland customers

Energy provider Lumo Energy has today announced that its residential Queensland customers will be transitioned over to sister company Red Energy.
The company has assured customers that their current terms and conditions will remain the same after the switch, also confirming that there will be no interruption to service during the transition period.
Queensland business customers currently with Lumo Energy will remain with the provider.
Both providers Lumo Energy and Red Energy are part of the Snowy Hydro Group, which is jointly owned by the Commonwealth, New South Wales and Victorian governments.
Entering the energy market in 2004, Red Energy provides electricity and gas to households in Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia, and is 100% Australian owned and operated.
Tips for Queensland Lumo Energy customers
- Check your mail. Expect a letter from Lumo Energy in the near future outlining the changes.
- Don’t worry about your bill. Existing customers in Queensland will still receive their bills from Lumo Energy until advised differently.
- Shop around. You’re under no obligation to stay with your provider, so why not take the time to shop around if you’re looking for a better deal. Using Mozo’s energy hub you’ll be able to compare 550 plans from 22 different Australian providers.