Easy gift ideas for loved ones this Chinese New Year

Child throwing red envelopes in the air

Light up the lanterns - Chinese New Year is here!

Part of the celebration sees gifts exchanged as a showing of goodwill and luck. So we’ve pulled together some ideas below to help you select something just right.

But first, a little bit more about this special celebration.

What is Chinese New Year?

The date of Chinese New Year changes every year because Chinese people follow the lunar calendar based on the movement of the moon. The first day of Chinese New Year begins on the day of the new moon which appears sometime between 21 January and 20 February.

But what about the animals of the zodiac? Well, the start of the new Chinese New Year marks the transition from one Chinese Zodiac sign to another. There are 12 animals that represent the zodiac signs.

The 12 animals are:

  1. Rat
  2. Ox
  3. Tiger
  4. Rabbit
  5. Dragon
  6. Snake
  7. Horse
  8. Goat
  9. Monkey
  10. Rooster
  11. Dog
  12. Pig

Each animal has its own unique characteristics. This year is the Year of the Rabbit and the Rabbit is said to symbolise longevity, peace and prosperity.

Have I missed the Chinese New Year celebrations?

No, Chinese New Year might start on its ‘New Year’s Eve’ (22 January) but it continues until the Lantern Festival which is held on the 15th day of the year (5 February).

So there’s still plenty of time to participate in Chinese New Year festivities or to buy a present for a loved one.

Traditionally, people who celebrate Chinese New Year give each other red envelopes (also known as red packets or red pockets) containing money. These red envelopes symbolise good luck and are also thought to ward off evil spirits.

There are many other things that can be gifted during Chinese New Year. Being the year of the Rabbit, rabbit-related gifts are also acceptable!

Our Chinese New Year gift guide

To help with some inspiration, here’s a list of Chinese New Year present ideas:

Red envelopes

These envelopes are very easy to find, especially around this time of year. They are usually sold at $2 shops and Chinese grocery stores.

Otherwise, here are some other options!

Order a Chinese New Year themed hamper or gift basket to be delivered!

Other food related gifts

Self care and homeware products

Games and stationery

Presents for kids

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