News Archive for August 2023

August 2023

How super funds make investments

How super funds make investments

So, you’ve just landed your first job or you’ve received your super statement and it’s time you made some important decisions around the investment options your chosen fund offers.

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Whats a good annual return on super

What’s a good annual return on super?

In good news for Australian superannuation members, the median return generated for growth funds for the financial year 2022/2023 was 9.2% according to a report by Chant West.

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Data reveals huge superannuation pay gap

Data reveals superannuation pay gap over $100,000

The gender pay gap has been a hurdle for women’s income for decades, with a lot of organisational work being put in to help close it. While the gap is not as stark as it was when our parents were growing up, according to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, women who work full time are still earning $319.20 less a week than their male counterparts based on seasonally adjusted average weekly earnings.

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Meet the big bank digital offspring redefining home loans

Meet the big bank digital offspring redefining home loans

With a staggering 98.9 percent of all bank transactions now being undertaken digitally in Australia according to the Australian Banking Association, it’s no surprise that banks are shifting their focus towards the next generation of borrowers and homeowners and developing new brands and products that best suit their digital native users.

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How to watch the top sporting events in australia right now

How to watch the top sporting events in Australia right now

Sports lovers are currently spoiled with choice with all the major sporting events happening right now. From the Women’s World Cup being hosted right here on Aussie soil, to the start of the men’s Premier League in England as well as the final weeks of both the NRL and AFL!

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Fixed rate mortgage cliff falls short

Has the fixed rate mortgage cliff fallen short?

The fixed rate mortgage cliff was one of the scarier predictions made about this year. However, new data from CoreLogic reveals that our worst fears about the fixed mortgage cliff may not have happened – nor are they likely to.

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The big mistake are aussie pet owners making

What $1,000 mistake are Aussie pet owners making?

Pets are a man’s best friend, sneaking their way into our hearts and becoming a part of the family. However, along with their companionship, comes the cost of keeping them healthy and safe. Pet insurance can help give pet owners peace of mind, but recent research from Mozo shows that Aussies are paying a whopping $1,030 more than they have to in premiums each year!

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How comparing could save you money on insurance

How comparing could save you money on insurance

In today's increasingly expensive world, every dollar saved counts. As the cost of living seems to climb higher every year, it becomes essential to find ways to cut back on unnecessary expenses. One area where money-savvy Aussies could save is insurance.

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Borrowers could be saving close to 10000 a year on their mortgage

Borrowers could be saving close to $10,000 a year on their mortgage

Recent analysis from Mozo has found that owner-occupiers and investors could save big bucks by refinancing to a lower rate loan. Based on the most recent Core Logic Home Value Index (HVI) release, Mozo’s team of data experts found how much borrowers can save per year in each of the capital cities.

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Beat crowds while travelling abroad

How to beat crowds while travelling overseas

We have all heard the saying, “Travel is the best investment you will ever make.” And it can be absolutely true, as travel lets you experience life on so many different levels. But what if all your special travel plans get ambushed by a huge crowd, because you made a mistake of travelling during the peak season? It can ruin a perfect holiday.

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Northern inland credit union capped home loan

Capped variable home loan makes Australian debut

In a unique twist to savings, customer-owned NICU has just debuted its new Capped Home Loan, a variable interest rate home loan designed with rate hikes in mind. The loan has a built-in rate ceiling of 6.04% p.a. (6.39% p.a. comparison rate*) for three years, meaning no matter how much further rates rise, they won’t go beyond that for the capped term.

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Home loan checklist how to make sure your money is ready to refinance

Home loan checklist: How to make sure your money is ready to refinance

Refinancing a home loan has both become harder and more necessary for many Australian borrowers, thanks to recent Reserve Bank rate hikes. But if you’ve asked yourself whether you should refinance and decided, “Absolutely, let’s do this,” then it’s essential to get your finances in order.

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New property listings buck the seasonal trends as home value growth slows

New property listings buck the seasonal trends as home value growth slows

New listings in capital cities rose 3.7% higher than the 5 year average last month, according to a report released by CoreLogic today. The report looked at the number of new listings over four weeks ending on July 30 and, although new listings were higher than usual for the season, it was 4.6% lower than the same time last year.

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August 2023 financial checklist

August 2023 Financial Checklist

A pinch and a punch for the first day of the month! August has arrived. Here’s everything you’ll need to get through. Your August 2023 Financial Checklist awaits!

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