News archive for September 2018

September 2018

Why home loan loyalty doesn't pay

Why home loan loyalty doesn't pay

If you’ve still got a home loan with a big bank despite the recent rate hikes, it might be time to reconsider. New research from Mozo reveals that the big bank mortgage loyalty trap is costing Aussie borrowers $19 million a day in missed interest savings.*

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5 festive destinations for your 2018 Christmas holiday

5 festive destinations for your 2018 Christmas holiday

Christmas is just around the corner! Well, ok, so it’s a little early to start thinking about carols, gift wrapping and Christmas lunch, but if the idea of Christmas Day abroad appeals to you, then it’s time to start planning your trip.

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How a smart electric water heater could shave thousands off your energy bill

How a smart electric water heater could shave thousands off your energy bill

There are many reasons for switching to solar, but if anything’s for sure, it’s that Aussies want to see their energy bill decrease. The upfront cost of solar panels and storage can be daunting, but with new kid on the block Solahart PowerStore, you could be set to save on both the upfront investment and your quarterly power bills.

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How to bag a bargain at auction this spring property season

How to bag a bargain at auction this spring property season

Although the weather’s not quite hot enough to give your budgie smugglers another run, there is one thing that’s heating up, and that’s spring property season. After a lengthy housing boom, first home buyers could be in the prime position to purchase as the property market loosens its grip.

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4 Aussie fintechs you need to know about

4 Aussie fintechs you need to know about

From the humble hills hoist to the indispensable wifi, Australia is both a nation of technological innovators and keen adopters. After all, if you can think of a better way to sun-dry your clothes we’d like to hear it.

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Fintech 101: Core concepts for the future of banking

Fintech 101: Core concepts for the future of banking

Everyday it feels like someone, somewhere has coined a new banking term. But as Australia continues to take big steps towards innovation, the average Aussie might feel left in the dark when it comes to understanding what’s in store for the future of banking. So to keep you in the loop with all the latest in fintech, we thought it might be worth getting the basics down first.

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How your home loan could see you losing thousands of dollars a year

How your home loan could see you losing thousands of dollars a year

Aussies sticking with the big four after their recent rate hikes run the risk of missing out on over $2,000 a year in savings, according to Mozo research. This means that as a whole, Australians could lose a combined $7.02 billion^ in interest savings a year, or $19 million a day.

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Big bank loyalty trap costs borrowers $19 million a day

Big bank loyalty trap costs borrowers $19 million a day

f you’ve still got a mortgage with a big bank despite the recent rate hikes, it might be time to reconsider. New research from Mozo reveals that the big bank loyalty trap is costing Aussie borrowers $19 million a day in missed interest savings.*

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NAB extends $1,250 home loan bonus offer

NAB extends $1,250 home loan bonus offer

Finding simple ways to save on a home loan can be tough enough, but NAB has made that task a little easier for Aussie home buyers and refinancers with it's new limited time $1,250 bonus offer.

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Mozo reveals the best car insurance policies of 2018 for car lovers

Mozo reveals the best car insurance policies of 2018 for car lovers

We get it- your car is your baby. If anything happens to it, you’re not going to be happy about coughing up your hard earned bucks to repair it. That’s where Mozo’s Experts Choice Car Insurance Awards come into play, revealing the best policies on the market so you can stress less knowing you’ve got great cover in case of an accident.

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The best home and contents insurance of 2018, revealed

The best home and contents insurance of 2018, revealed

If you’re like most Aussies, your home is your greatest asset - yet as many as 4 in 5 Australians are underinsured. If you’re worried about having to cough up money to replace things if your home is robbed, or to cover fire damage if you leave the stove on, you’ll need to find a home insurance policy that provides great cover.

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Aussies looking for a personal loan may not know how their credit score works, says Experian

Aussies looking for a personal loan may not know how their credit score works, says Experian

If your credit score isn’t something you think about over your morning coffee or jog, you’re not alone. 65% of Aussies have never once checked their credit report and big four customers are the worst culprits, Experian research has found. But with recent changes in credit reporting now starting to take effect, it’s more important than ever that Australians understand how valuable a good credit score can be.

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How to haggle - tips for negotiating a better deal

How to haggle - tips for negotiating a better deal

It’s a fact: haggling doesn’t come naturally to everyone. There might be a hundred reasons why you don’t haggle on big purchases, or on things like your credit cards, home loan or insurance or NBN  plan - you may think it’s embarrassing, or not worth the time, or maybe you just don’t know where to start.

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September 2018 Financial Checklist

September 2018 Financial Checklist

Let us have a moment’s silence for the departure of winter...great now that that’s over with, let’s move onto something that really matters - spring! We all know that spring is the perfect time of year to start afresh, but it may also be an opportunity to try something new. So regardless of how you’re preparing to take on September, here are five places to start…

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