News Archive

September 2024

Giving while living the benefits of gifting your kids their inheritance early

Giving while living: The benefits of gifting your kids their inheritance early

In Australia, the rising cost of living, skyrocketing property prices, and financial pressures on younger generations have many parents reconsidering the traditional idea of leaving an inheritance only after they’ve passed away. Whether it’s helping with a home deposit or supporting them with their studies, giving your inheritance early could make a huge impact on your family’s future.

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6 money lessons I wish I knew in my 20s

Ah, your 20s… a decade of freedom, fun, and plenty of life lessons. But let’s be real, when it comes to money, most of us could’ve used a bit more guidance. Whether you’re in the thick of your 20s or reflecting back on those carefree days, the financial decisions you make during this time can set the stage for decades to come. So, what would I tell my 20-something self? Here’s the financial wisdom I wish I knew back then.

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Super millennial roundtable

Super needs more rizz, says Moneysmart

ASIC’s Moneysmart recently convened a roundtable to work out why younger generations are feeling in the dark about their superannuation. Hint: funds just aren’t speaking the same language. And their comms skills? Mid at best.

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5 common banking mistakes Aussies should avoid in 2024

Even the best of us can make banking blunders from time to time. Whether you’re just starting your financial journey or you’ve been around the block a few times, steering clear of these common mistakes can help you keep more of your hard-earned cash where it belongs – in your account.

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Whats your spending personality

What’s your spending personality?

I’ll admit it, I’m a big spender. I regularly splash out on the latest kicks (especially during sale season), eating out, weekends away and buying my kids toys they definitely don’t need. But all this spending has got me thinking, surely I’m not the only person in Australia with a spending problem?

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