News Archive for January 2019

January 2019

7 money saving tricks for uni students

7 money saving tricks for uni students

Part of life for uni students is learning to live on a budget. But given that the costs of textbooks and tuition continue to skyrocket, not to mention the fact that most students won’t be able to work full time, it can often be difficult to save money.

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Aussies flock to online home loan lenders for better deals

Aussies flock to online home loan lenders for better deals

Could the future of Aussie home loans be online? With the average rates for online home loans being a significant 0.22% lower than the Big Four banks, more Aussies than ever are starting to make the switch to the online home loan market. At this stage the Big Four banks have still maintained their hold on 80% of the residential loan market, with current online lender trends starting to peak, this is likely to change.

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Top ways to get a cheap personal loan

Top ways to get a cheap personal loan

Whether it’s time to consolidate high interest debt, tick off that bucket list holiday, pay for your wedding or give your home the facelift it needs, a personal loan is a great option for those looking to borrow a lump sum of money.

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Expert tips to maximise your chances of refinancing in 2019

Expert tips to maximise your chances of refinancing in 2019

If you’re looking to refinance your home loan this year, the odds are stacked against you. There are a few factors at play making loan approval tricky. Firstly, in the wake of the banking royal commission, banks have cut back on their lending and are subjecting customers to greater levels of scrutiny, affecting new and refinancing borrowers.

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6 global bucket list events to attend in 2019

6 global bucket list events to attend in 2019

We know that picking an overseas destination can be a difficult choice. From world class sporting events, annual cultural experiences, art exhibits and music festivals, the opportunities are endless if you know where to find them. Start planning now and check out our list of fulfilling events plus handy travel money tips in 2019 that you can find on both a global and domestic scale.

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41 reasons why you shouldn't be paying bank account fees in 2019

41 reasons why you shouldn't be paying bank account fees in 2019

Bank account fees have traditionally been the bane of Aussie banking customers, but new figures have revealed that Australians don’t necessarily have be paying them. According to an analysis of 107 bank accounts in the Mozo database, 41 accounts have a $0 monthly fee with no strings attached. As well as this, there are 36 accounts that waive their monthly fees for account holders who are able to make regular deposits.

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Step up your 2019 hobby game with these cheap ideas for under $20

Step up your 2019 hobby game with these cheap ideas for under $20

2019 is in full swing, so what better time to take on a new hobby than the start of the year? Whether you’re trying to save money or you’re searching for downtime inspiration, there are many ways to shake up your routine and to expand your creative comfort zone without breaking the bank. With over 300 days left of 2019, here’s a list of six activities (that aren’t just binge watching Netflix) to test and try!

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6 budget destinations for Australian travellers in 2019

6 budget destinations for Australian travellers in 2019

The reality of travel is a disappearing bank balance. When planning an overseas trip, you discover that some destinations are more expensive than others, and all the costs start adding up - food, accomodation, internal travel and attractions. However, budget travel does not have to mean budget enjoyment. Because budget travel opens doors to more authentic money-can’t-buy travel experiences with the local communities.

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Business loans to help your SME take the next step

Business loans to help your SME take the next step

Between managing staff, keeping on top of operating costs, and enduring times of unpredictable turnover, running a small business can feel like one big, protracted headache. So for small business owners looking for a leg up, taking out a business loan could be a great idea.

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Top Balance Transfer cards of 2019: Mozo Editors Picks

Top Balance Transfer cards of 2019: Mozo Editors Picks

The tree’s been taken down, the decorations are now packed away, and so, life goes on until next Christmas. All of Santa’s little helpers out there who went a little overboard on the Christmas shopping probably wish that packing up that lingering credit card balance was just as simple. Not to worry, because it can be!

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3 money conversations to have before your kids go to back to school

3 money conversations to have before your kids go to back to school

It’s never too early to start teaching your kids about the importance of earning, saving and spending money. After all, according to ASIC’s MoneySmart website, the significance of developing positive financial skills from an early age will set them up for the financial challenges of adulthood and establish good money habits for life.

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The essential 2-step savings plan for your 2019 wedding

The essential 2-step savings plan for your 2019 wedding

Is 2019 the year you get hitched? Well we won’t need to remind you about how much there is to prepare, and with the average wedding costing around $36,000 according to ASIC MoneySmart, the sooner you get a plan in place the more you’ll be able to save - in money and stress.

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5 effortless B.Y.O lunches to save you money in 2019

5 effortless B.Y.O lunches to save you money in 2019

Is buying lunch every day breaking your bank account? Even if you’re spending just $10 a day on lunch, that could add up to well over $2000 a year. By bringing your lunch to work you could be saving yourself some serious coin, and the New Year is the perfect time to set your finances straight.

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January 2019 Financial Checklist

January 2019 Financial Checklist

We can’t be the only ones who live for those new diary feels at the start of each year, right? There’s just something about putting pen to paper in a fresh new (and usually over-priced) diary on January 1st that triggers that excitement for a new beginning, symbolic or not. For those embracing the “new year, new me” phenomena, check out Mozo’s Financial Checklist for January 2019.

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Your 2019 Money Horoscope: Shake the Mozo magic 8-ball

Your 2019 Money Horoscope: Shake the Mozo magic 8-ball

I’m sure all the sceptics out there will be first to roll their eyes at the idea of ‘calling upon the stars’ for some insight into our financial destinies. But you’ve got to admit, aren’t you the least bit curious about what the future holds for your bank accounts in 2019? Have a read of your 2019 Money Horoscope to find out if this is the year you break the bank!

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Top credit cards of 2019: Mozo Editors picks

Top credit cards of 2019: Mozo Editors picks

New year, new you, new credit card! The right piece of plastic can be a super handy way to squeeze extra value out of your spend, or to manage your month-to-month costs a little better. So if one of your resolutions was to “spend smarter” this year, a new card might be part of that.

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